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Preparations for revising global treaty enter final stage

Growing consensus around key issues

Geneva, 4 June 2012 – The formal mechanism for producing a consolidated input towards a revision of the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs) that shaped the ICT networks of today will see its final meeting June 20-22. The Council Working Group to prepare for the World Conference on International Telecommunications will meet for the last time, in Geneva, to produce a report that will be considered at the conference in Dubai, 3-14 December.

Alongside this Council group, regional preparatory meetings, information sessions, and open consultations are the means used by ITU to solicit input and feedback from all its 193 Member States, its 700 private sector members – including many of the largest technology companies in the world – and 40 academic members, as well as non-member stakeholders. The Council Working Group has seen some 100 input documents submitted by ITU’s membership.

Dr Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General, ITU: “According to its mandate, ITU is convening this conference to update the only truly global treaty on telecommunications, a treaty which laid the foundations for today’s connected world. This is a unique opportunity for the world community to bring the benefits of the information society to all the world’s citizens.”

During a recent open consultation in Geneva, held during the WSIS Forum 2012 on 16 May, a well-attended three-hour session heard opinions from stakeholder groups including governments, private sector, academia, international organizations and a wide range of representatives from civil society.

At an open consultation in Brussels in April (see previous press release) participants agreed that revisions to the treaty should facilitate the benefits of Internet being brought to all the peoples of the world in particular by encouraging broadband roll-out and investment and foster the right conditions to allow markets to flourish within a long term vision backed by sustainable business models.

The two-year long preparation process is now achieving a degree of convergence on some of the high-level principles. Emerging themes for inclusion in the revised ITRs include: the right to communicate; security in the use of ICTs and the protection of national resources; taxation; international mobile roaming; misuse and hijacking of international numbers; and interoperability. Data volumes are increasing much faster than the infrastructure needed to carry it, and there is a risk of a lack of investment in the development of the infrastructure. This is also something that could be addressed at the WCIT.

In coming weeks briefing documents on all of these themes will be published on the WCIT website. A ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ paper will also detail the processes as well participation rights and opportunities to comment.

For more information, please contact:
Sarah Parkes
Chief, Media Relations and Public Information, ITU
tel +41 22 730 6135
email sarah.parkes@itu.int
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