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ITU-T E.129 Important numbers

ITU-T E.129 National-only numbers linked with emergency services and other services of social value 
Description of important numbers related to emergency services and other services of social value
Total found: 7 Page Size:
Country/Geographical AreaNumberService categoryAdditional informationAllocated or assignedNoteLast update
Costa Rica 1026 Hazards - - - 2012-04-03
Costa Rica 1119 Hazards - - - 2012-04-03
Costa Rica 1147 Child help-line - - - 2012-04-03
Costa Rica 911; 112 Traffic - - - 2012-04-03
Costa Rica 911; 112 Police - - - 2012-04-03
Costa Rica 911; 112 Fire - - - 2012-04-03
Costa Rica 911; 112 Medical - - - 2012-04-03
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this list do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of ITU concerning the legal status of any country or geographical area, or of its authorities.

The database is derived from elements reported by the Member States according to the format in Recommendation ITU-T E.129 (01/2013).
To submit changes, please use the online Notification form.
Amendments are regularly published in the ITU Operational Bulletin.