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Launch of the History of ITU Portal

  Click to enlarge photo: ITU Secretary-General consulting historical documents.

Dr Hamadoun I. TourĂ©, ITU Secretary-General, consults historical documents at the ITU library and archive before the launch of the History of ITU Portal.
Copyright ITU / V. Martin

11 February 2010, Geneva, Switzerland

The launch of the History of ITU Portal marks an important moment in ITU's history. Not only does this ensure the long-term preservation of documents which go right back to the founding of ITU in 1865, but it also makes ITU's history available and freely accessible to anyone with internet access, wherever they live or work.


As Secretary-General, I have always spoken out in favour of a more open, transparent Union, and the History of ITU Portal is one more step in the right direction. I look forward to seeing further key documents and outcomes of major conferences becoming available online through the portal over the coming months and years.