Committed to connecting the world

Speech by François Rancy, Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau
14 January 2011, Geneva, Switzerland
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a great pleasure for me to express my gratitude to the countries you represent for the honor and the privilege of serving ITU Member States as Director of the Radiocommunications Bureau.
The BR has important duties to perform for the Member States, in that it administrates the regulatory procedures from which the rights of administrations to access orbit and spectrum resources are established and it plays a key role in shaping the technical and regulatory framework for the provision of radiocommunication services.
These services have become in the last few years a major contributor to development and quality of life around the world. The 192 Member States that you represent are therefore expecting more and more from the BR, as they are facing a growing range of difficult choices: access to spectrum for the provision of high quality communications, transition to digital TV and 3/4G, bridging the digital divide in particular, represent human, societal and financial challenges for most of your countries.
To meet Member States expectations, we’ll of course do everything to ensure the success of WRC-12 and to reach the other objectives of the Sector within more constrained budgetary resources, and therefore work more efficiently to provide you a better service in all respects.
But I also want the BR to be in closer interaction with the membership, in particular by participating more actively in assistance and capacity building in radiocommunications, through closer cooperation with the BDT and the TSB.
You can rest assured that, through cooperative work with the other elected officials and with the support of the very professional and dedicated staff of the BR, I will do everything in my power to serve Member States better and contribute to the ongoing success of the ITU.
A very happy new year to all of you!