Committed to connecting the world

Dr Touré at ASEAN high-level event

Dr Touré addresses an audience of top decision-makers at TELMIN in Singapore

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the TELMIN 2013 event

14 November 2013, Singapore

ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun I. Touré joined Singapore’s Prime Minister H.E. Lee Hsien Loong and Minister of Communications & Information, H.E. Yaacob Ibrahim; H.E. Mr Mario Montejo, Secretary of the Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology; and H.E. Le Loung Minh, Secretary-General of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) at the opening of the 12th TELMIN conference in Singapore. This year’s event had the theme Connecting Communities, Co-Creating Possibilities.

"This theme resonates very closely with ITU, as our mission is to connect all the world’s people, wherever they live, and whatever their circumstances," Dr Touré told assembled guests.

"We are working to ensure that ICTs are recognized at the highest level as a powerful tool for social and economic development. This is important for the ASEAN Economic Community as it moves ahead with its vision for a single market, with the goal of promoting equitable economic development for Member States. The power of ICTs in connecting communities will play a critical role in facilitating the achievement of this vision – indeed, your 2015 ICT Masterplan says quite rightly that ‘We go higher when we are connected," said Dr Touré.

The opening ceremony was followed by a day of lively discussion, culminating in a Gala Dinner and the conferring of this year’s ASEAN ICT Awards.