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Geneva, 21 July – A great opportunity to discuss ICT development in Honduras

Honduras Vice President visits ITU; Dr Touré praises President Lobo’s vision for development...

HE Mr Víctor Hugo Barnica, Vice President of Honduras and
Dr Hamadoun Touré, ITU Secretary-General

Dr Touré received a visit from the Vice President of Honduras Víctor Hugo Barnica, on behalf of President Lobo. He used the opportunity to praise President Lobo’s vision for development and to advocate ICT as catalyst.

Dr Touré showed his appreciation for President Lobo’s achievements in bringing peace and stability to the country, and his vision and keen interest in ICTs for development. Dr Touré and HE Mr Víctor Hugo Barnica agreed that it was time to promote and foster development in Honduras. ITU’s assistance and guidance in assessing Honduras’ policies and strengthening ongoing efforts in broadband development was sought by the delegation from Honduras, and it is Dr Touré’s firm belief that this can be achieved thanks to the peaceful and stable environment created by President Lobo.

ITU wants to contribute to progress in ICT development in Honduras, stressing the benefits and opportunities for all, with strategic broadband development according to a national broadband plan. Dr Touré took the opportunity to refer to ITU’s build on broadband initiative and the Broadband Commission for Digital Development’s Report and its 10 recommendations. He also highlighted the benefits of broadband for accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals through e-applications such as e-health and e-education.

Dr Touré and HE Mr Víctor Hugo Barnica discussed further examples of how ICTs can act as a catalyst to accelerate development, particularly for agriculture, commerce, health and education, and how specific projects – such as ‘Connect a School Connect a Community’, Cybersecurity, and Child Online Protection – would be launched during Dr Touré’s forthcoming official visit to Honduras.

The Vice President was keen to share in the experiences of ITU and reassured ITU of the continuous support of Honduras in making ICT ubiquitous.

Honduras is the host for the ITU area office for Central America.