Committed to connecting the world

Official visit to Australia

Dr Hamadoun Touré and Senator Stephen Conroy, Australia’s Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.

Australia shows broadband leadership 

I was delighted to have the chance to visit Australia and get a first-hand update on progress on the country’s National Broadband Network from Senator Stephen Conroy, Australia’s Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. A champion of the transformational power of broadband for many years, Senator Conroy’s efforts have helped put Australia at the very forefront of the broadband vision.
I was also privileged to meet with NBN Co-Chief Mike Quigley and the Chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Graham Samuel, and to meet up with Paul Budde, special consultant to the Broadband Commission for Digital Development. Paul served as Lead Author of the Commission’s second output report, Broadband: A Platform for Progress, which will be officially released at the next Broadband Commission meeting which takes place in Paris in June.