Committed to connecting the world

Mobile World Congress 2010

Interview with ITU Secretary-General at GSMA Mobile World Congress 2010
15 February 2010, Barcelona, Spain



Mobile is the great success story of the past decade, so it was apposite that ITU should announce its forecast that the number of mobile cellular subscriptions globally will surpass the five billion mark by the end of 2010 during the Mobile World Congress.

I was pleased to be able to participate in the Leadership Summit, as well as engaging in numerous multilateral and bilateral meetings at the event -- an excellent opportunity to catch up with key industry players and help shape the future of ICTs.

It was also very positive to see the ICT industry driving growth in other sectors, and it is encouraging to witness the huge impact that mobile is already having in the developing world, in areas such as mobile banking, mobile health and mobile education.


Mobile is 'green'

Speech by ITU Secretary-General at GSMA Mobile World Congress 2010

ITU Secretary-General speaks at GSMA Mobile World Congress 2010"...The mobile industry has a huge role to play. Some time later this year we will surpass the five billion mark for mobile cellular subscriptions. And we know that mobile phones, like ICTs in general, have a positive effect on the environment – limiting unnecessary travel, for example, or making working practices more efficient.

But we must also do everything we can to ensure that mobile devices – and mobile networks – are themselves as ‘green’ as possible, with reduced energy consumption. Lower consumption of precious raw materials. And less waste. 

New standards being developed within ITU – such as those for the Next-Generation Networks which will deliver the vast majority of mobile backhaul capacity in the future – can reduce network and data centre power consumption by up to 40%.

And the universal charger – which was championed by GSMA and has just been globally standardized by ITU – will deliver a 50% reduction in standby energy consumption, eliminate up to 80,000 tonnes of redundant chargers, and cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 13 million tonnes annually..."


ITU News magazine

Issue N. 2 - 2009
Mobile beyond voice

ITU News magazine: Mobile beyond voice