Committed to connecting the world

Meeting results concerning Recommendations

Actions taken on Recommendations at 27 April 2016
Meeting of Study Group 5
(Kuala Lumpur, 20-27 April 2016)

1. Approved Recommendation by SG 5 (according to A.8 §5)      

ITU-T Rec. Number​​Title​​Question

2. Recommendations Consented by SG 5 for Last Call (AAP - Recommendation A.8) 

2.1 Revised Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. Number​​Title​​Question
K.95​Surge parameters of isolating transformers used in telecommunication devices and equipment (Annex A: Additional Transformer parameters to model Ethernet transformer differential surge let-through) (TD1529)2/5
​K.57​Protection measures for radio base stations sited on power line towers (TD1481R1)​3/5
​K.20​Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in a telecommunication centre to overvoltages and overcurrents (TD1482)4/5
​K.21​Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises to overvoltages and overcurrents (TD1483)​4/5
​K.44​Resistibility tests for telecommunication equipment exposed to overvoltages and overcurrents (TD1484)​4/5
​K.45​Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in the access and trunk networks to overvoltages and overcurrents (TD1485)​4/5
​K.50​Safe limits of operating voltages and currents for telecommunication systems powered over the network (TD1514)​4/5
​K.51​Safety criteria for telecommunication equipment (TD1428R1)​4/5
​K.64​Safe working practices for outside equipment installed in particular environments (TD1486)​4/5
​K.75​Classification of interface for application of standards on resistibility and safety of telecommunication equipment (TD1487)​4/5
​K.78​High altitude electromagnetic pulse immunity guide for telecommunication centres (TD1434R1)​10/5
​K.81​High-power electromagnetic immunity guide for telecommunication systems (TD1436R2) ​10/5
​K.87​Guide for the application of electromagnetic security requirements – Overview (TD1435)​10/5

2.2 New Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. Number​​​TitleQuestion​
L.1102 (ex L.RareMetals-Label)​Use of printed labels for communicating information on rare metals in information and communication technology goods (TD1475R1)​13/5
(ex L.rfrc)
Requirements and framework for low-cost sustainable telecommunications infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries (TD1512R3)​14/5
​L.1350 (ex L.RBS assessment)Energy efficiency metrics of base station site (TD1423R4)​17/5
L.1603 (ex L.KPIs-SSC-SDGs)​Key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities to assess the achievement of sustainable development goals (TD1465R3)​18/5
(ex L.ext_arch)
​Extended architecture of power feeding systems of up to 400 VDC (TD1426R8)​19/5
3. Agreed informative texts
​Appendix I to ITU-T K.70New version v.6.01 of the software EMF-estimator (TD1468)​7/5
​Supplement 5 to
ITU-T Rec. K.81
Estimation examples of the high-power electromagnetic threat and vulnerability for telecommunication systems (TD1437R3)10/5
​L.Suppl.21 Implementation guidance for ICT SME supply chain due diligence for conflict minerals (TD1513R1) ​13/5
​L.Suppl.4 (Revised)​Guidelines for developing a sustainable e-waste management system (TD1479) ​13/5
​L.Suppl.22 -
ITU-T L.1700
​Low-cost sustainable telecommunication for rural communications in developing countries using fibre optic cable (TD1463R2) ​14/5
​L.Suppl.23 -
ITU-T L.1700
​Low-cost sustainable telecommunications for rural communications in developing countries using microwave and millimetre radio links (TD1443R1)​14/5
​L.Suppl.24 -
ITU-T L.1500
Overview of climate change effects and possible impacts (TD1495) ​15/5
L.Suppl.25 -
ITU-T L.1502
​Best practices for infrastructure adaptation to climate change (TD1387R3) ​15/5
​L.Suppl.26 -
ITU-T L.1410
Case Study: the assessment of greenhouse gas emission of a hybrid satellite broadband system over its life cycle (TD1489R1) ​18/5
​L.Suppl.17 -
ITU-T L.1600 series (Revised)

Definition for smart sustainable city (TD1515R1)

4. Agreed questionnaire