Committed to connecting the world


​What our members say


"KT, the leading telecommunications operator in Korea, has been a member of ITU since 1982. At the beginning, our participation in ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D enabled us to learn from established global operators of the era. Today, we are active contributors to ITU-T standardization work in many different fields, especially Quality of Service (QoS) and Next Generation Network (NGN) issues. KT remains committed to working with ITU in the future."
In Seop, Lee
Director, Standard Department


"Being part of the ITU-T brings great value for us as a Telecom Operator; as there is fast change in this market and we should always try to adapt with latest technologies and protocols. It is important for our network to be standard and ensure interoperability between multiple vendors in the network segments. The ITU-T resources will be always our reference of compliance and benchmark for full harmonization and building our future proof network."
Rashid Al Ahmedi
Director - External Affairs, Corporate Affairs


"As a young sector member of ITU and over 2 decades continous involvement in ITU standardization activities, ZTE fully enjoy the high-quality, comprehensive and effective membership service and communication channel provided by ITU,deeply feel the great efforts paid by ITU on establishing a just,fair and open ICT standards development platform, and meanwhile ZTE has been and will always spare no efforts to take its responsibilities on bridging standardization gap between developped and developping country, improving standards using experience, strengthening the confidence of sandards deployment, promoting standards drafting efficiency and enhancing the collaboration among SDOs. "
Zhaoji Lin
ICT Security Standards Director
ITU-T SG17 vice chairman, ITU-T SG17 WP5 chairman


"Aside from unique networking opportunities with governments, companies and academia, our company has been able to gain considerable visibility and influence through management roles in ITU-T Study Groups, such as our currently held Vice-chairmanships in Study Group 5 on Environment and Climate change and in the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities.  As an ITU-T Sector Member, we believe Telecom Italia is well positioned to both lead and adapt to the constantly evolving nature of global ICT standardization."
Flavio Cucchietti
Senior researcher, Telecom Italia Innovation Center
Vice- Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5


"As a long standing Sector Member of ITU-T, our organization has greatly benefitted from unique networking opportunities with Governments, companies, NGOs and academia. Sector Membership also continues enable our organization to focus on multiple fields of ICT within relevant Study Groups and other groups, like ITU-T Focus Groups.  For long years, many representatives from our organization have served in important positions in numerous ITU-T work groups. We currently hold management positions in Study Group 12 on Quality of Services, Study Group 13 on Future Networks (& Cloud) and Study Group 15 Transport, Access and Home. We believe ITU-T participation is imperative for our organization to keep a leadership position in the field of global ICT Standardization and its deployment."
Hideo Imanaka
General Manager of Standardization Strategy, R&D Planning Department


"A world connected in real time will place many new requirements on all of us while opening up opportunities beyond our imagination.  ITU in collaboration with SDO partners (e.g., 3GPP, IEEE and IETF) bring their global reach and view to developing standards for network technologies, network performance and connectivity which are a contributing factor in realizing Ericsson's vision of The Networked Society."
Dr  Ghani Abbas
International Telecom Standards Consultant


"ITU-T provides an excellent platform to enable the exchange of information between major players in telecommunications, from governments and companies to the world's leading academic institutions. A particular benefit of the ITU-T meetings for a company as TE Connectivity is the ability to focus on specific work items with the potential to propose and develop new areas of study suited to its needs. Besides the other numerous services and benefits offered, ITU-T membership has enabled us to form professional and informal relationships with delegates from other leading member organizations, which is a very pleasant aspect on a human level while also conducive to fruitful standardization policy negotiations."
Francesco Montalti
ITU-T SG15 Vice Chairman