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List of Internet of things (IoT) relevant organizations and forums

The following list is a non-comprehensive list of organizations identified as having work relevant to the standardization of Internet of Things (IoT). If your organization is working on IoT related standardization topics and is not listed here, please send the relevant information (including contact points) to the JCA-IoT secretariat at

  • International Organizations
    • ITU
      • ITU-T Study Groups (SG2; SG3; SG11; SG13; SG16; SG17)
        • Global Standards Initiative on Internet of Things (IoT-GSI) 
        • Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things (JCA-IoT) 
      • ITU-R Study Groups (WP1A; WP1B; WP5A)
    • ISO (TC 122/104 JWG; TC 204)
    • IEC
      • ISO/IEC JTC1 (SC6; SC31; WG7 on Sensor Networks)

  • Regional and National Organizations
    • ARIB
    • CCSA
    • CEN
    • ETSI (ERM TG28 and TG 28; TC M2M; TISPAN and WG7)
    • GISFI
    • TIA
    • TTA
    • TTC 

  • Global Standards Collaboration
    • M2M Standardization Task Force (MSTF)

  • Forums, consortia
    • ECMA
    • GS1 / EPC Global
    • NFC
    • Open Geospatial COnsortium (OGC) 
    • OMA
    • W3C
    • YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory