Committed to connecting the world

Draft programme

​Forum on “The gender dimension in ICT and environment through innovation and entrepreneurship”
Manizales, Colombia, 4 April 2017 (morning only)

Contact: Cristina Bueti

We are approaching a critical juncture wherein mankind is faced with the consequences of their past actions and is forced to tackle the causes and effects of environmental degradation. Such degradation is a complex global burden that has led to severe consequences in all spheres of existence on Earth. In this regard, it also influences gender aspects.

Gender norms not only influence the impact that people have on the environment but can also have an effect on environmental degradation, access to employment and ownership of resources and services, including information and communication technologies (ICTs).

When addressing gender issues in the context of the environment, it is important to recognize that women and men are not homogenous groups. Other variables including age, ethnicity and residence also play a pivotal role in framing the context of gender in the environment and ICT field. In general, the complexity of the link between gender and the environment needs to be taken into account when considering entrepreneurial measures and ICT innovation.

The ICT revolution is ushering in a new age in the realm of entrepreneurship and innovation for environmental management. However, access to ICTs still remains a distant reality for many individuals in developing countries, who remain devoid of any knowledge of the basic infrastructure and international standards required to benefit from ICTs and address ground-level development challenges. These barriers pose immense problems, especially for women and children, who are more likely to be illiterate and are unaware of technological advances, which can create economic and social opportunities and phase out potentially harmful lifestyles and practices, through the implementation of clear gender strategies and international standards, and training through ICTs.

This Forum will examine how the linkages between gender, ICTs and the environment for development and entrepreneurship, can facilitate sustainable use of resources, while promoting gender equity and fostering socio-economic development through standardization. It will also explore the importance of gender aspects in ICT use for improved quality of life, sustainable development, water availability, and pollution management along with resource efficiency.

Target audience:
The Forum will bring together leading specialists in the fields of ICTs, environmental management and gender mainstreaming, from top policy-makers to engineers, designers, planners, government officials, regulators, standards experts and others.

​08:30 - 09:00Registration
​09:00 - 09:30​Opening ceremony                                        
09:30 - 09:45 Keynote speech
 09:45 - 11:00Session 1: Bridging gender gaps in ICT standardization for environmental sustainability 
This session will examine the patterns of gender segregation in the ICT standardization and environment dimensions and will highlight the importance of ICTs as tools for environmental and social transformation to promote gender equality, innovation and entrepreneurship.

This session aims also to promote gender sensitization to harness ICTs for effective development and environmental management with a special focus on cities.

Moderator: María Victoria Sukenik, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 5 “Environment, climate change and circular economy” 

Speakers: Questions and Answers
11:00 - 11:30Coffee break
​11:30 - 13:00Panel discussion: ICT and innovation: Connecting women entrepreneurs for the environment
This session will examine the role that ICTs can play in empowering women entrepreneurs in the field of environment along with suggesting key strategies, standards and policies to strengthen gender perspectives and reduce the digital divide.

This panel discussion will also highlight the importance of advocating for women in leadership roles in ICTs and the standardization industry.

Moderator: Sabrina Diaz Rato, Director, Punto Gov Foundation [Biography]

Speakers: Questions & Answers
​13:00 - 14:00 ​Lunch Break