Committed to connecting the world


Huubvan_Helvoort.pngHuub van Helvoort [IEEE SM ’04] ( received his M.S.E.E. degree in 1977 at the Technical University, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. From that time he has been involved in the development of telecommunication systems: telephony systems at Philips Telecommunications Industries, subscriber-loop-carrier (SLC) and ISDN (NT1 and PRA) equipment at AT&T, SDH and SONET equipment at Lucent Technologies, telecommunication devices (ASICs) at TranSwitch, and currently he is a senior researcher and stands representative for Huawei Technologies. He has been an equipment designer, system integrator and tester, systems engineer and system architect and coordinated cross-system requirement development and management. He represented all these companies in several SDOs: ETSI, ANSI, ITU-T and IETF. He contributed to many SDH, OTN and SONET standards, in particular to the standards that enabled the Next Generation SDH and OTN, i.e. ITU-T Rec. G.7041 (GFP), G.7042 (LCAS) and G.7043(VCAT and LCAS for PDH). He is editor of several ITU-T recommendations for SDH, Ethernet over Transport (ETH) and Transport MPLS (MPLS-TP). He is rapporteur for question 10 in studygroup 15 of the ITU-T (responsible for packet transport Equipment, OAM and Interfaces). He has published several books and papers based on his expertise in VCAT, LCAS, GFP and Functional Modeling. (