Committed to connecting the world

Mr. Aziz ŞASA

Picture Aziz SASA.jpgAziz SASA is the President of TRAC, the association representing Turkey in the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). He has 22 years of experience in Emergency Communication. He has been one of the main initiators in engaging volunteers into emergency-related mechanisms in Turkey and  the implementation of the “Communication Service Group” –Mechanism. He was engaged in three major ITU-Conferences (WRC-2000, WTDC-02 and PP’06), assisting the IARU Delegation and managing the stations which were operated by TRAC during this conferences. A document about the emergency related amateur radio activities was prepared by him and distributed to all delegations by IARU during WTDC-02.  He is also a member of the correspondence group established by ITU-D, Study Group 2,on the revision of the ITU-D “Handbook on Emergency Telecommunications”.