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The Communication Service Group mechanism in Turkey: An Interoperation Approach for Emergency Communication, Network and Resiliance and Recovery (Mr. Aziz ŞASA, TRAC, Turkey)

In Turkey, Emergency Communication Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery are handled by the “Communication Service Group” which has to be established in every Province in accordance to the Decrete 88/12777, based on the Law No: 7269 (“Law of Disaster Management in Provinces”).

The main idea of this structure is to enhance co-operation among all communication providers, aiming at mutual aid in order to provide emergency communication and quick network recovery in the aftermath of emergencies. It’s considered as a “priority group”. All relevant service providers are member of the group. TRAC is the only voluntary body in the service group, acting as a radio communications resource and facilitator.

This structure became even more important after “Business Continuity” came into the agenda.

Amateur Radio has already proven to be an important resource for emergency communications in the provision of disaster response and can also be a valuable resource for emergency communication links for businesses and as a bridge between the Communication Service Group and businesses “when everything else fails”.

IARU, of which TRAC is the Turkish national member society, represents the Amateur Service as a Sector Member in ITU-D and ITU-R and initiated the present revision of the ITU-D “Handbook on Emergency Communications” . Therefore, a close co-operation between ITU-T and ITU-D in compiling the “Handbook For Emergency Communication Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery” is very desirable. As a member of the correspondence group established by ITU-D,Study Group 2, TRAC is contributing to the revision of this handbook by contributing case studies and experiences from Turkey.