Committed to connecting the world

ITU Council 2024


​Due to unforeseen circumstances, this workshop has been postponed untill further notice. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​Wednesday, 19 May 2021- Day 1​

12:00 - 12:15​ Opening Remarks
​​12:15 - 12:30Session 0: ITU-T Study Group 3 Introduction ​
12:30 - 14:00
Session 1: Multilateral Organizations ​​​Perspectives ​

session aims to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the efforts undertaken by other organizations, particularly the OECD, in terms of digital/OTT taxation.​
Moderator: Ahmed Said, Executive Director, International Policies, National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Vice Chairman, ITU-T SG3

Keynote Speech: Will Morris​, Deputy Global Tax Policy Leader, PwC

Followed by 20 mins Fireside Chat &15 mins Q&A with audience.
14:00 - 14:15 Coffee B​​reak
14:15 - 16:00
Session 2: Private sector and civil society Perspectives

This session aims to explore the experiences and viewpoints of various private sector and civil society players regarding digital/OTT taxation issues. Moderator: Gaia Penteriani​, Director, Government & Regulatory Affairs, GSMA, United Kingdom
Followed by 20 mins Panel Discussion and 15 mins Q&A with Audience

Thursday​, 20 May 2021​- Day 2 ​

12:00 - 13:45 ​Session 3: National Perspectives

This session aims to explore some of the various approaches that telecommunications/ICT regulators have taken towards digital/OTT taxation and consider how these national experiences can help inform collaboration at the regional and international level. Moderator: ​Dominique Wü​rges​, Director, Orange, France
Followed by 20 mins Panel Discussion and 15 mins Q&A with Audience
​​​​​13:45 - 14:00
​Coffee Break
14:00 - 15:45Session 4: Academia Perspective​s

This session aims to examine the current state of academic research on the economic impacts of digital/OTT taxation and consider any lessons learned offered by the empirical evidence. Moderator: Raul L. Katz​, President, Telecom Advisory Services, Director, Business Strategy Research at Columbia University`s Center for Tele-Information Followed by 20 mins Panel Discussion and 15 mins Q&A with Audience
​15:45 - 16:00
Closing Remarks