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​​​ITU Workshop on 5G Security   
Geneva, Switzerland, 19 March 2018

 Click here to view the Workshop Outcomes.

​08:30 - 09:30Registration
​09:30 - 09:45​Opening Remarks
​09:45 - 11:15Session 1: Understanding threats and security requirements of 5G
Session Chairman: Yutaka MIYAKE (KDDI), Chairman of Working Party 1/17 [ Biography ]
This session will identify security requirements for 5G services and networks from different stakeholders’ perspectives including management and legal perspective, present applications for secure 5G and share experiences in implementing secure applications and services in 5G environment.
11:15 - 11:30Coffee Break - kindly supported by logo
​11:30 - 12:50​​Session 2: Overview of 5G security
Session Chairman: Zhaoji LIN (ZTE), Vice Chairman of Working Party 3/17 [ Biography ]
This session will share on-going activities on 5G security standardization from 3GPP, ETSI TC Cyber, GSMA, and other related SDOs.
​13:30 - 14:30 ​Lunch Break
​14:30 - 16:00 Session 3: Mitigating security threats to 5G
Session Chairman: Arnaud TADDEI (Symantec), Chairman of Working Party 3/17 [ Biography ]
This session will address security threats and discuss how ongoing/future SG17 work on security tools such as security architecture, cryptographic profile could secure 5G environment against those threats.
16:00 - 16:15Coffee Break - kindly supported by logo
16:15 - 17:45Session 4: Panel discussion – Future directions on 5G security standardization activity
Session Chairman: Heung Youl YOUM, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 17 [ Biography I Presentation ]
This session is a roundtable discussion between representatives of external organizations and ITU-T SG17 to identify potential items that SG17 and other relevant groups needs to analyse/review, and develop international standards accordingly. The roundtable will discuss future work plan on 5G security standardization and focus on area of future collaboration between the organizations; and identify potential ways forward where all the organizations could mutually cooperate in addressing 5G security standards requirements..

 *To be confirmed