Committed to connecting the world

Project Case Studies

Since 2016, BDT is developing a series of case studies based on implemented ITU projects. Each case study aims at sharing information related to different ITU projects, their implemented activities, achieved results, lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations. ITU project case studies may serve as examples for stakeholders and BDT Members in other countries and regions, to address similar challenges and opportunities, as well as replicate good practices.

  Case Study for Americas Region : Support for Transition from Analogue to Digital Broadcasting in the Americas Region

  Case Study for Asia Pacific Region : Master Plans for Spectrum Management

  Case Study at Global Level : Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development in Developing Countries

  Case Study for Africa Region : Centre of Excellence Network for Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries

  Case Study for Arab Region : Human Capacity Building on Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)

  Case Study for CIS Region : Deployment of Video Conference System

  Case Study at Global level : School Connectivity in Five ITU Member States

  Case Study for Africa Region : Natural Disaster Early Warning System, Republic of Uganda

  Case Study for Americas Region : Enhancing competitiveness in the Caribbean throughthe harmonization of ICT Policies, Legislation and Regulatory Procedures – HIPCAR

  Case Study for Arab Region : Centre of Excellence Network in the Arab Region-Phase II

  Case Study for Asia-Pacific Region : ITU-NBTC Training Programme in Thailand

  Case Study for CIS Region : Virtual laboratory for remote testsof equipment, new technologies and services

  Case Study for Europe Region : Governmental Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) Establishment