Committed to connecting the world

Connect Asia-Pacific Projects

Dr Hamadoun I. Touré

ITU Secretary-General

I am pleased to present a portfolio of projects submitted by ITU Member States and other development partners for consideration by the ITU Connect Asia-Pacific Summit to be held in Bangkok, Thailand 18 November 2013.


Mr. Brahima Sanou

BDT Director

The Connect Asia-Pacific Summit builds on the success of four such preceding events: Connect Africa 2007, Connect CIS 2009, Connect Arab 2012, and Connect Americas 2012. The Summit comes at an opportune time.


Dr. Noeleen Heyze

Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to provide new solutions to the many challenges faced by modernizing societies around the world.
There is a very real connection between technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, growth, and inclusive sustainable development. The real power of ICT lies in its ability to leverage connected technologies to improve people’s lives.


Dr. Margaret Chan

​Director-General, World Health Organization

Much is written about the potential of ICT and eHealth to revolutionize the delivery of health care. Much less is written to demonstrate how this potential is being realized. I warmly welcome the Connect Asia-Pacific Summit and this ministerial session as opportunities to support the potential of eHealth with a concrete body of evidence and experience.

Mr. Toshiyuki Yamada

​Secretary General, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity​

The Asia-Pacific region, which is home for over 4 billion people and even larger number of devices, is poised for further ICT growth in this broadband era. The diversity of the region in terms of its socio-economic development, geography, language and demography, poses tremendous challenges while providing great opportunities for development and business partnerships. The Connect Asia-Pacific Summit is appropriately timed, (...)

Dr. Javad Mottaghi

Secretary General of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union

The main role of the Connect Asia-Pacific Summit is to enable all stakeholders from across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond to work collaboratively to strengthen cooperation and coordination. Summit aims to formulate joint projects and Asia-Pacific initiatives designed to employ the information and communications technology (ICT) sector to help build truly inclusive and sustainable information and digital society, with special focus on those who are disadvantaged, underprivileged or marginalised.

