Committed to connecting the world

Connect Asia Pacific 2013

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Biography of Dr. Jeongwon Yoon

Jeongwon Yoon has been working for more than 15 years as an Executive Director of the National Information Society Agency, Korea, previously known as National Computerization Agency.


He is responsible for various international cooperation programs of NIA including ITPAP (Information Technology and Policy Assistance Program), ITCC (IT Cooperation Centers), IAC (Information Access Centers), KOIL (Korea IT Learning Program), and KIV (Korea IT Volunteers).
Assisting more than 30 developing countries in the area of e-Government and national ICT development, he expanded these programs by making partnerships with various international organizations such as the UN, ITU and MDBs.
Prior to this, he was responsible for reviewing the Korean National Finance System, planning the National Backup Center and Digital Certification Authority. He also served as the Telecommunication Sector Coordinator (1998-2000) of the International Y2K Cooperation Center, Auspice of UN. He was responsible for analyzing the Y2K status of the 200 countries of the UN. As a guest researcher (2001) in National Institute of Standards and Technology in U.S., he conducted cross certification testing of Public Key Infrastructures between Korea and U.S.
He has BS and MS degrees in Computer Engineering from California State University in U.S. He has a Ph.D. in Information Management from Seoul University of Information and Venture.