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ITU GSR 2024

ITU-T work programme

[2013-2016] : [SG3] : [Q1/3]

[Declared patent(s)]

Work item: D.Framework
Subject/title: Framework for ICT service delivery with the guaranteed QoS and requested bitrate on fixed & mobile data networks, for development of efficient economic mechanisms and models of interaction in the "operator-provider-user" chain
Status: [Carried to next study period]
Approval process: TAP
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: -
Equivalent number: -
Timing: -
Liaison: ITU-T SG11, ITU-T SG12
Supporting members: Azerbaijani Republic, Russian Federation, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Uzbekistan, RUE Beltelecom, OJSC Rostelecom
Summary: A customer's assessment of the quality of Internet access is based on various criteria, such as the latency period (for instance, the time taken to open a web page), speed (for instance, download speed), and other factors. All these criteria reflect customers' perception of the quality of Internet connection provided via fixed and mobile telecommunications. Nevertheless, the supply chain for Internet resource access is not limited to telecom operators, but also includes Internet service providers, content suppliers, etc. Moreover, the Internet connection speed advertised by operators (fixed and mobile) will in most cases not be guaranteed for various reasons including uneven network load. The combination of such factors may leave a customer disappointed with the quality of the services actually received. In this regard the development of a unified approach to measure the speed of access to the Internet and Internet resources may become one of the most important issues for all ICT players (operators, regulators, the Internet community, and so on) and especially for customers. The user currently has many different freely available ways to assess Internet speed but most of them are based on the estimation of speed between a customer and a server which belongs not to the telecom operator but is located somewhere in the Internet, in most cases outside the requesting customer's country (for example,,,, and others). Owing to a range of factors, measurement results of such tests obtained with one method may differ from the results obtained with another method. Given this fact, a user is not currently able to receive reliable measurement results, while an operator cannot use such results as part of a service level agreement (SLA), which could certainly facilitate the introduction of justified differentiated tariffs and fair traffic management methods. In order to develop a common standardized approach, ITU-T Study Group 11 (SG 11) has set out to develop the following new Recommendations: - draft new ITU-T Recommendation Q.FW_Int_sp_test "Framework of Internet speed measurements for the fixed and mobile networks" (Vienna, 8-10 September 2015); - draft new ITU-T Recommendation Q.TM_Int_sp_test "Testing methodologies of internet speed measurement system to be used on the fixed and mobile networks" (Vienna, 8 10 September 2015). These draft Recommendations are available in the contribution site of ITU-T SG 11, in Documents TD 857 and TD 858 respectively (available at The findings of these studies are designed for regulators to use in establishing guidelines for the deployment of a global standardized framework, which will be used for evaluating Internet access speed. The primary objective is to ensure a transparent and trusted approach providing measurement results that will be accepted by all ICT community players (regulators, operators, providers, customers, and so on) and ultimately satisfy their requirement for services of guaranteed quality, provided in accordance with law and under conditions of fair and equal access. These activities are being conducted using the experience and the approaches developed by other organizations and with their ongoing participation. In particular, the ETSI previously developed the ETSI Guide 202 057-4 (2008) "Speech processing, transmission and Quality aspects (STQ); User related QoS parameter definitions and measurements", Part 4. V1.2.1, which has been adopted as a reference document by regulatory authorities in some countries (Spain, United Kingdom, Colombia and Chile) to regulate the quality of Internet access services. Recent developments in this area can be followed in a special section of the ITU-T website at At the same time another issue is becoming increasingly important: that of ensuring the adequate network capacity required for high-quality and non-discriminatory Internet access, the quality of which should not be degraded as a result of the provision of services other than Internet access, including those with a specified level of quality. Apart from the possible introduction by national regulatory authorities of requirements in respect of technical parameters, minimum quality of service, and other appropriate measures applicable to all or some public communication service providers with the aim of preventing quality degradation of Internet access in a context of ever growing consumption of services of a specified quality, it is undoubtedly essential, in the interests of sustainable growth, to focus on the study and development of efficient economic mechanisms and models of interaction in the "operator-provider-user" chain.
Comment: -
[C 156 ]
  Historic references:
Alexey Borodin, Editor
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First registration in the WP: 2016-03-09 16:10:13
Last update: 2016-07-14 15:44:58