His Excellency Houlin Zhao, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union; 
Distinguished Participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen, 

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Mozambique and on my own behalf, please allow me to greet everyone present at this 20th Conference of the Plenipotentiaries of the International Telecommunication Union. 

Mozambique shares the common vision of “an information society empowered by the interconnected world, where telecommunication/ICTs enable and accelerate social, economic and environmentally sustainable growth and development for everyone”

Policies of the Government of the Republic of Mozambique on telecommunications orientate themselves towards the pursuit of this vision. At national level, several specific actions to expand and improve the quality of telecommunication services are being implemented being drawn on basic pillars such as Growth, Inclusion, Sustainability, innovation and Partnerships. 

At the digital inclusion component, Mozambique has established the Universal Access Service Fund managed by the Communications Regulatory Authority, the National Communications Institute of Mozambique, and is an instrument which plays an important role in fostering universal access to telecommunication services in the Country. 

The Universal Access Fund leads the process towards the expansion of telecommunications network for commercially non-viable areas, thus addressing the needs of communities living in these areas. In addition, this is creating conditions for access to these services on the part of students and other special social strata.

The digital open spaces Project consisting of a free internet signal available at a specific public space is a successful example being implemented by the Government in Mozambique. 

The major impact of the Digital Open Spaces Project is the democratization of the use of the Internet in Mozambique. Users of the digital open spaces set by the Government through the Universal Access Fund for Telecommunications are exploiting advantages of the digital world towards increase in their knowledge, connectivity with the world, development of digital economy, among other advantages.

As a result of promoting the use of the internet on a massive scale in the country, the Government expects the development of applications and local contents which will improve living conditions of people as to their relationship with the public administration and the increase in digital economy namely in commerce, agriculture, fishing, culture, tourism, among other areas. 

For the Government, the access to telecommunication services and information without restrictions or discrimination is an unquestionable right of the citizens throughout the national territory. 

Expansion of telecommunications network in Mozambique is happening. The Country counts on three strong mobile operators which have territorial coverage and reach all districts of the country and some localities. This thus generates a chain of services, including mobile banking which is changing the life of Mozambicans. 

As for the component of access to information, Mozambique has made strides towards conclusion of the migration process from analogue to digital broadcasting, and it is envisaged that by December this year this process will be completed. 

The projects for expansion and access to telecommunications network come hand in hand with measures ensuring strengthened cyber security for users. 

We have developed the National Cyber Security Strategy to guarantee that we fight cybercrimes, namely unauthorized access to personal data of citizens, child abuse, among other misdeeds. 

We are centered on services which exploit digital economy and cyber security inasmuch as these are the main foundations towards a digital future in this global village to which Mozambique belongs. 

To conclude, we would like to reiterate the commitment of Mozambique to continue with the expansion of access to telecommunications as well as compliance with guidelines of IT and other international bodies which coordinate the harmonious development of telecommunications. 

Thank yo very much for your attention!