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ITU Council sets vision on future

Julie Zoller takes Chairmanship of ITU Council 2016

Geneva, 25 May 2016 – ITU’s governing Council opened its annual session today under the chairmanship of Ms Julie Zoller, Senior Deputy Coordinator for International Information Communications and Information Policy at the U.S. State Department.

Noting that leaders from around the world have committed to achieving global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ms Zoller said, “At this Council, we will ensure ITU’s contribution toward achieving the SDGs, setting us on a path to a more prosperous, equitable and sustainable world.” She added, “The United States joins ITU in heeding the SDG call to action by harnessing the power of ICTs through our Global Connect Initiative, which aims to catalyse the efforts of all stakeholders to bring 1.5 billion additional people online by 2020, underscoring the idea that Internet connectivity is as important to development as other forms of infrastructure.”

Ms Zoller is the first woman to chair ITU Council since the year 2000. She is joined by Ms Eva Spiny, Director, Spectrum Management Planning for the Communications Area, Ministry of Economic Development of Italy, as Vice Chairman.

Addressing ITU Council in his annual State of the Union speech, ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao said, “We understand that ICTs have extraordinary potential to improve social and economic development, and these technologies are essential in helping achieve the SDGs. We commit our Union to connect people, and to connect the world.”

ITU Council will consider several key issues, such as how to address Internet-related public policy issues and cybersecurity, child online protection and gender mainstreaming, as well as conformance  and interoperability of ICT products. Discussions will take place on ITU’s Connect 2020 Agenda for global telecommunications and ICT development. Councillors will focus on future technologies in preparing for a globally connected world in the era of the Internet of Things, review ITU’s role in implementing outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society and using ICTs as a means to achieve the UN sustainable development goals, and promote the empowerment of youth through ICTs. Also on the table are preparations for key upcoming events: the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly in Tunis, 25 October to 3 November; and ITU Telecom World in Bangkok, 14 - 17 November 2016.

ITU Council will also approve ITU’s operational plans for 2017-2020 and make decisions about future conferences, including the 2017 World Telecommunication Development Conference and the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference and the future ITU headquarters building.

Delegates from 48 countries representing the ITU Membership of 193 States will attend the Council session, which runs until 2 June.

A number of side events have been scheduled during the Council meeting. On 31 May, U.S. Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto and Director General of the UN Offices at Geneva Michael Møller will address the International Geneva Gender Champions. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will also organize a mentorship programme for Women Empowering Women in ICT. On 1 June, the UN Special Adviser for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development David Nabarro will address ITU Council.

For more information, please see interview with Council Chairman or contact:

Sanjay Acharya
Chief, Media Relations and Public Information, ITU
telephone +41 22 730 5046
mobile +41 79 249 4861
email sanjay.acharya@itu.int  

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