Page 5 - The 4th Global Standards Symposium 2022 - Conclusions
P. 5

Towards people-oriented cities and communities: Driving cross-sectoral digital
                           innovation and transformation

            The GSS-20,

            Recalling  that  cities  and  communities  play  a  predominant  part  in  accelerating  digital  innovation  and
            transformation towards a people-oriented digital economy, governance and information society as well as
            encompassing sectors such energy, water, health, agriculture and mobility domains,

             –     Invites ITU to continue to support the activities of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC),
                   in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and UN-Habitat, including
                   the implementation of the U4SSC Key Performance Indicators (based on Recommendation ITU-T
                   Y.4903)  and  Recommendation  ITU-T  Y.4904  “Smart  sustainable  cities  maturity  model”,  which
                   contain the necessary tools for short and medium term implementation so that cities are able to
                   measure their smart urban strategies, and assess progress towards the SDGs.  It also encourages
                   ITU to continue to support the establishment of U4SSC Country Hubs to leverage on the need for
                   building global, national and local cooperation and collaboration in order to build people oriented
                   smart cities and communities.
             –     Emphasizes the importance of collaboration through open platforms, such as the ITU/FAO Focus
                   Group on AI and IoT for digital agriculture, for stimulating the deployment of digital technologies
                   and innovations in the agricultural sector in support of sustainable agricultural practices.
             –     Encourages ITU to strengthen collaboration with industry fora (e.g., oneM2M, LoRa Alliance, etc)
                   and other standard-setting entities, leveraging collaborative platforms such as the IEC/ISO/ITU Joint
                   Smart City Task Force in order to accelerate digital transformation in the urban domain.
             –     Recognizes  the  importance  of  connectivity  of  schools  and  acknowledges  the  Giga  initiative,  an
                   ITU/UNICEF initiative.

            1  This standard is being implemented in more than 150 cities worldwide, including Daegu, Mashhad, Bizerte, Dubai,
            Singapore, Riyadh and Valencia.

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