Page 4 - The 4th Global Standards Symposium 2022 - Conclusions
P. 4

Main Conclusions of GSS-20

                          World Standards Cooperation Update on Sustainable Digital Transformation for
                          the SDGs

            The GSS-20,

            Recognizing  that  the  International  Telecommunication  Union  (ITU),  the  International  Organization  for
            Standardization  (ISO),  and  the  International  Electrotechnical  Commission  (IEC)  play  a  leading  role  in
            facilitating and harmonizing the global standardization efforts for sustainable digital transformation,

             –     Calls  for  continued  collaboration  between  the  international  standards  developing  organizations
                   (SDOs) including ITU, IEC and ISO as well as other standard-setting entities such as ETSI, IEEE, IETF,
                   W3C, 3GPP (among others), to facilitate digital transformation.
             –     Works towards bridging the standardization gaps between developed and developing countries and
                   scaling up of technology rollouts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
             –     Urges  the  adoption  of  international  standards  as  a  key  enabler  for  digital  transformation,
                   recognizing  that  international  standards  can  facilitate  the  ongoing  digitalization  of  cities,
                   communities,  industries  and  sectors  by  enhancing  productivity,  security,  efficiency  and  by
                   promoting interoperability between platforms.

                          High-level dialogue on unlocking the full potential of digital transformation for the
                          SDGs, with international standards

            The GSS-20,

            Recalling  that  international  standards  play  a  vital  role  in  unleashing  the  full  potential  of  digital
            transformation, attaining the SDGs and implementing the Glasgow Climate Pact and Paris Agreement,

             –     Provides a platform for discussions relating to concrete technological and digitalization guidance,
                   digital transformation in addressing existing global challenges, including inequality and the digital
                   divide. Emerging economies are particularly at risk of being left behind.
             –     Leverages standards developed by ITU and other SDOs (e.g. ISO, IEC, as well as other standard-
                   setting entities) to help to build a shared vision of digital transformation, one that is rooted in
                   universal  values  as  contained  in  the  SDGs.  Such  a  scenario  can  be  fostered  by  opening  up  the
                   standardization  domain  to  various  stakeholders  by  sectors  or  regions  to  ensure  that  different
                   perspectives and requirements are captured in the quest for digital transformation.
             –     Calls for ITU to play a key role together with ISO and IEC, and contribute actively, for instance, to the
                   Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET) to achieve net-zero emission by 2050 and to
                   provide a decarbonization pathway for the telecommunication/ICT sector in response to a decision
                   by António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, to establish a group of experts to propose
                   clear standards to measure and analyse net-zero commitments from non-state actors.

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