Page 182 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2021
P. 182

2021 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           see whether the data set contains any incorrect items, and to  refined throughout training so that the network transforms
           see if it’s acceptable for machine learning[11].   its input in precisely the appropriate ways to generate the
                                                              proper output. This is accomplished by sending a sample
                                                              of training data into the network, determining how much
                                                              the network’s output differs from the correct answer, and
                                                              changing the neurons’ internal states to increase the likelihood
                                                              of a correct response being produced next time. This results
                                                              in a trained network when repeated thousands of times[11].

                                                              20 percent of the training data is put aside for validation at
                                                              the start of the training. This means that rather than being
                                                              used to train the model, it is instead utilized to assess its
                                                              performance[11]. The validation results are displayed in the
                                                              last training performance Panel (Figure 7), which provides
                                                              important information about the model and how effectively it
              Figure 6 – Visualizing the data using feature explorer  is operating.

                                                              Accuracy refers to the proportion of correctly identified audio
           The next stage is to begin training a neural network with
                                                              windows on the left–hand side of the panel (Figure 8). The
           all of the data that has been processed. Neural networks
                                                              higher the score, the better, however near–perfect accuracy
           are algorithms that can learn to detect patterns in their
                                                              is uncommon and generally indicates that the model has
           training material. They are roughly structured after the human
                                                              over–fit the training data. The confusion matrix is a table
           brain[11]. The MFE will be fed into the neural network which
                                                              showing the balance of correctly versus incorrectly classified
           is made up of layers of virtual “neurons," which can be seen
                                                              windows[11]. The accuracy for Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex
           in the Figure 7; it will try to map it to one of three classes:
                                                              in this example is 92.9 percent, 80.3 percent, and 91.9 percent,
           Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex.
                                                              respectively, according to the confusion matrix shown below.
                                                              The feature explorer in the Figure 8 shows the classified and
                                                              mis–classified data from the training set, in the form of green
                                                              and red dots accordingly.

                   Figure 7 – Neural network configuration           Figure 8 – Last Training Performance Panel

           The first layer of neurons receives an input, in this example  2.3 Model testing
           an MFE spectrogram, and filters and modifies it according to
           each neuron’s internal state. The output of the first layer is fed  The previous step’s benchmarks demonstrate that the model
           into the second, and so on, progressively changing the original  is doing well on its training data, but it’s critical to test the
           input into something completely new. The spectrogram input  model on new, untested data before deploying it in the real
           is converted into simply two values in this scenario, via four  world. This will guarantee that the model does not learn to
           intermediary layers: the chance that the input represents the  over–fit the training data, which is a common problem[11].
           keyword, and the likelihood that the input represents ‘noise’  If a model is more complicated than another that fits equally
           or ‘unknown.’                                      well, it is said to be over–fit[12]. There are a number of ways
                                                              to avoid over–fitting a model, including data augmentation,
           The internal state of the neurons is gradually adjusted and  regularization, and many more, however they are beyond the

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