Page 180 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2021
P. 180

2021 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           Culex mosquitoes, usually known as common house    Mel–Filterbank  Energy  (MFE),  Neural  Network  (NN)
           mosquitoes, are the primary vectors of West Nile fever, St.  classifier,  model  t raining,  t esting,  and  deployment  were  all
           Louis encephalitis, and Japanese encephalitis, as well as viral  performed using Edge Impulse.
           illnesses of birds and animals. Culex mosquitoes can also
           spread lymphatic filariasis, a parasitic illness, and tularemia,  2.1  Database acquisition
           a bacterial disease. With the exception of extreme northern
           latitudes, Culex mosquitos are found across the world in  In order to train the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
           tropical and temperate climates. They are found both indoors  model,  the  database  acquired  by
           and outside and feast on humans and animals at night[8].  was re–sampled to 16 kHz.  This database was created to help
                                                              people in Sub–Saharan Africa to detect and identify mosquito
           In most developing countries, the conventional technique  species.  The training and testing data comprises three labels:
           of identifying mosquitoes or mosquito breeding places  Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex, with a total training duration
           includes single or several laboratory analyses of larva samples  of 9 minutes and 17 seconds and a total testing duration of
           collected from various locations by the municipality. As  2  minutes  and  14  seconds.  The  following  figures  (Figure
           a result, the result is delayed sometimes, and manpower is  2a & Figure 2b) illustrates the training and testing database
           required. Delay in obtaining results might be harmful to  respectively.
           the community. The local community’s low involvement
           in battling mosquito breeding places may be due to a
           lack of situational knowledge about mosquito population
           in a location.  It should be automated to be successful,
           primarily to minimize false reporting and to reduce the
           work required to gather mosquito incidence data. However,
                                                                              (a) Training database
           the difficulty in obtaining these mosquitoes may be to
           blame for the lack of mapping data.  The identification
           procedure in developing countries requires manual capture
           and identification. Hence, it necessitates people and time
           resources. To successfully combat mosquito–borne disease
           vectors, thorough and up–to–date data on their mapping
           is required. Thus, low–cost surveillance systems that can           (b) Testing database
           identify mosquito populations are required[9, 10].
                                                                        Figure 2 – Train and test database
           This paper explores the possibility of identifying Anopheles,
           Aedes, and Culex mosquitoes using tiny machine learning
                                                              2.2 Impulse design and model training
           (TinyML) algorithms and audio data collected from
           smartphones. The technique for identifying the mosquito
                                                              An impulse takes raw data, uses signal processing to extract
           from its sound is to compare the smartphone–recorded
                                                              features, and then uses a learning block to classify new data.
           wing beat sound to a database of mosquito wing beat
                                                              There are four blocks in impulse including, Input, MFE,
           recordings. The dataset gathered by
                                                              Neural Network, and Output. The input block contains the
           was re–sampled to 16 kHz to train the Convolutional Neural
                                                              time series data in raw form with audio as axes, as shown
           Networks (CNN) model. Using a spectrogram, the frequency
                                                              in the figure 3. The Window size parameter specifies how
           of mosquito wing beats was visualized as a feature. After
                                                              long each data window should be in milliseconds. Each raw
           evaluation, the model had a precision of 88.3 percent and a
                                                              sample is split into several windows. The Window increase
           loss of 0.26. This model is then uploaded to the Arduino Nano
                                                              parameter sets the offset of each successive window from the
           33 BLE Sense, which is connected to an OLED screen. The
           Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense combines a small form factor
           with a variety of environmental sensors such as an IMU,
           microphone, gesture, light, proximity, barometric pressure,
           temperature, and humidity. I2C pins are used to connect the
           OLED to the Arduino. TinyML and TensorFlow Lite may be
           used to run AI on it. When a mosquito is identified from its
           wing beat, the screen displays a photograph of it. This whole
           system may be integrated into a wearable or portable gadget
           that can help detecting mosquitoes in our environment.
                          2.  EDGE IMPULSE
           With integrated machine learning, Edge Impulse allows
           developers to design the next generation of intelligent
           device solutions[11]. Database acquisition, impulse design,     Figure 3 – Time series data

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