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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

          decrease the devices’ lifetimes and may overload the de‐  Section 8 details RODENT’s inner workings. Section 9
          vices’ limited memories which leads to hardware failure.  presents the hardware used and  irmware implemented
          We address those issues in this paper, by proposing a  for our MTN prototype. Section 10 introduces the exper‐
          lightweight TOPSIS‐based NIS method optimized for WSN  imental setup and scenario. Section 11 details the exper‐
          devices.  Furthermore, our method simpli ies TOPSIS  iments’ results. Section 12 concludes this article and lists
          computations and completely eliminates rank reversal by  future work.
          modifying the TOPSIS normalization algorithm. This re‐
          sults in less complexity and provides time and energy sav‐  2.  RELATED WORK
          Currently available routing protocols are not suited for  Several works have been conducted to mitigate rank re‐
                                                               versal in TOPSIS or to apply TOPSIS to NIS. To the best
          MTN. In this article, we introduce a novel Routing Over
                                                               of our knowledge, only few works exist in the literature
          Different Existing Network Technologies protocol (RO‐
                                                               about multi‐technology network. This section presents
          DENT) designed for MTN leveraging our custom TOPSIS
                                                               related work about TOPSIS and multi‐RAT devices.
          method. Our contribution takes every RAT of each node
          into account for the route selection. Every node has a list
          of available links between itself and its neighbors. Links  2.1 TOPSIS method
          have associated costs and performances, in terms of de‐  [4] proposes an iterative TOPSIS method, where TOPSIS
          lay, energy consumption etc. A node constructs its routes  is executed, then the worst alternative is removed from
          based on its links’ values and the routes’ values shared by  the ranking, and TOPSIS is re‐executed, as long as there
          its neighbors. Criteria for the best route depend on the  is more than one alternative in the ranking. The remain‐
          use case and the requirements data has to meet (e.g., data  ing one is selected as a communication technology. [5]
          size, deadline).                                     combines TOPSIS with fuzzy logic, in order to improve
          RODENT is implemented and its performances are as‐   how uncertain attributes are taken into account. [6] in‐
          sessed through experimental evaluation. Results show  troduces alternative methods based on TOPSIS, but with
          that RODENT increases network  lexibility and reliability,  different normalization algorithms using maximum and
          decreases energy consumption and enables better con‐  minimum values of the attributes. [7] compares several
          sideration of the data requirements while maintaining a  NIS methods applied to heterogeneous WSN. [8] intro‐
          good Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR). Compared to related  duces an original MADM method along with an in‐depth
          work, RODENT offers a  lexible and dynamic way to over‐  analysis of TOPSIS. [9] proposes a new Service‐based In‐
          come WSN’s limitations without the need of a dedicated  terface Selection Scheme algorithm based on TOPSIS to
          infrastructure other than multi‐RAT nodes.           enable NIS applied to vehicle‐to‐vehicle communications
          The contributions of this paper can be summarized as fol‐  scenarios. [10] details a fast TOPSIS‐based NIS technique
                                                               for vertical handover in heterogeneous emergency com‐
                                                               munication systems.
            • We designed a lightweight selection method for WSN
                                                               Overall, those propositions reduce the probability of oc‐
             based on TOPSIS, free of rank reversal which shows
                                                               currence of rank reversal, but does not nullify it because
             an improvement in the computation time of around
                                                               the euclidean normalization is still used. Furthermore,
             38%, which in turn results in energy savings, while
             the technology selection is equivalent to using the  some of the proposed modi ications tend to increase the
             classic TOPSIS method in 82% of the experiments.  complexity of the TOPSIS method. This would increase
                                                               the execution time of TOPSIS and in turn the energy con‐
            • We designed a multi‐technology routing protocol for  sumption of the nodes, thus reducing their lifetime.
             WSN based on our custom selection method. It is ca‐  To the extent of the authors knowledge, no works has
             pable of handling multi‐technology devices and se‐  been conducted to propose a rank reversal free TOPSIS‐
             lecting the best route and technologies for speci ic  based method for NIS speci ically for energy constrained
             data requirements.                                devices. Thus, in this in paper we introduce a lightweight
                                                               TOPSIS‐based NIS method that aims not only to reduce
            • We designed and developed an MTN prototype com‐  the complexity and energy consumption of TOPSIS, but
             posed of Pycom FiPy devices running a custom im‐  also to completely eliminate rank reversal.
             plementation of RODENT.
                                                               2.2 Multi‐technology networks
          The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 in‐
          troduces the work related to MTN and TOPSIS. Section 3  The authors of [11] propose an IoT architecture for multi‐
          presents the background about MADM and TOPSIS. Sec‐  RAT devices. This architecture is based on a network con‐
          tion 4 explains what issues have to be faced with TOP‐  vergence layer in charge of the multi‐RAT management
          SIS. Section 5 details our lightweight TOPSIS method. Sec‐  in nodes, and a heterogeneous network controller on the
          tion 6 presents our experiments on the selection method  network operator side. It also proposes a hardware plat‐
          and the results we have obtained. Section 7 exposes the  form for the nodes, a polling scheme as well as a compres‐
          network model and assumptions RODENT is based on.    sion scheme based on Static Context Header Compres‐

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