Page 129 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 129

Challenges for a data-driven society

           (1)  Subject  motivation to continue  by  constant walking and   (3)  Confidence:  After having practiced  walking and sleeping,
              sleeping maintained by checking the record on the system,   subject  started to improve  BMI.  Subject  understood  the
              especially  visualization of data  is  more  effective than just   likelihood for success and motivation to increase practice;
              checking data;                                    (4)  Satisfaction: The subject was rewarded with improved
           (2)  Sleeping hours are  sometime out of  control but targeted   fitness and that concluded the use of Fitbit was beneficial
              walking steps are easier to achieve every day. When walked   along with feedback from the author and peer support.
              8,000 steps,  subject  indicated a desire to walk 9,000 steps
              the following day. Constant walking every day has become         10. CONCLUSIONS
              his habit;
           (3)  The author’s advice on subject’s activity was quite effective
              for  maintaining  motivation.  The program  worked well  in   In this paper the authors have presented two means of education
              promoting  peer support  [14]  especially  as  motivation   system, educational platforms with tablet PC as the core device
              weakened after several weeks had passed;          and health support systems with IoT wearable devices.
           (4)  Successful results are depicted in Fig.16.  Apart from data   The educational platform consists of tablet PC for each student,
              taken from Fitbit and the system,  subject  recorded   access to Wi-Fi networks, LMS, groupware and SNS as well as
              independently weight and BMI every day. BMI changes are   recent  useful open data  and  various  free open online  courses
              shown based upon  subject  records for the  twelve  weeks.   available globally.  We are confident that a  high  performance
              Subject reported feeling quite active in twelve weeks after   mobile information device  will open  a new era in the field of
              starting the practice.                            education. Except initial investment of tablet PC that becomes
                                                                cheaper every year  because of  almost paperless  educational
           The author’s challenges in supporting collaborator’s efforts are   operation feasible at campus and off-campus, low cost study is
           as follows:                                          possible.  As  this type of ICT  functionality  has impacted  the
           (1)  Subject’s BMI improvement was not checked by the author   elementary and secondary educational systems as well, a global
              until  shown  by subject. Therefore, to check the variation   standard setting should be considered to ensure the development
              factors of walking steps and sleeping hours on the system   of future educational contents and environment.
              instead of BMI became quite important. With the existence   A  health support  system for students  has proven  to be  an
              of variation factors, sleeping hours and walking steps, the   appropriate visualization  of vital data. Moreover,  that advice
              author ability to anticipate the subject’s daily routine;   should work effectively for student’s health consciousness that
           (2)  The author sent some comments to collaborators by social   should be a realistic goal for students in order to spend a fruitful
              networking service  (SNS)  in  support  after checking the   life on campus.
              status of heart rate,  walking  steps  and sleeping hours.   By sharing data among group members, educators need a careful
              Subjects had often irregular sleeping pattern which indicated   approach. This study has shown that if  members  are reliable,
              that a means of communication must be maintained between   one’s motivation  continues. We  conclude  that student
              subjects and the author.                          engagement in  health consciousness may be  enhanced with
                                                                proper and constant advice from peers.  The authors trust that
                                                                student engagement in  health consciousness  is  crucial  in
                                                                achieving productive study habits.
                                                                Those  ISO  standards,  for example,  have  accelerated the
                                                                proliferation of the quality management skills by the 9000 series
                                                                and  the security management skill  by the  27000 series.
                                                                Standards should lower costs and increase quality by means of
                                                                an openness  to  technology.  Likewise,  when a  standard is
                                                                established in the use of systems and devices of ICT and related
                                                                content  for educational  purposes, a  great benefit  should be
                                                                expected irrespective of areas and countries worldwide.
                                                                The authors conclude  that more and more new electronic
                                                                devices  and cloud services  are emerging on university
                                                                campuses  that  should be utilized for education  enhancement
                                                                apart from private use in a students’ daily life. If educational
                                                                usage  is  standardized in ITU in order to increase  quality, the
                                                                outcome from university education should advance with more
                                                                benefits  for more  students regardless of employment and job
                                                                 market changes in future [16].
             Fig. 16. BMI improvement from October to December 2016
           This approach to improve health  consciousness by  the use of         REFERENCES
           wearable device in the  case of  successful  student in BMI
           improvement is applied  to the  ARCS model  of  motivational
           design theories [15]. Each element is explained as follows:   [1]  Moore,  Gordon  “Cramming  More Components onto
           (1)  Attention:  The use of  a Fitbit  wearable device  has   Integrated Circuits,” Electronics Magazine,  April 19,
              stimulated the collaborators attention for active engagement
              and participation, and has promoted constant walking steps
              and sleeping hours for at least twelve weeks;     [2]  Ikeda, Yoshikazu, “Innovation in Education  using ICT
           (2)  Relevance:  Subject had basic needs to improve BMI since   Mobile Device for Students”  The University Journal,
              within the range of the obesity degree two which is out of   Japan’s private university league 2010-59(335), pp.89-91
              normal range.                                         (in Japanese).

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