Page 128 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 128

2017 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           (3) Sleeping hours                                   9. SUCCESS IN STUDENT’S HEALTH CONCIOUSNESS

                                                                The implemented  system  applied  to  several students as
                                                                collaborators in this study. One collaborator  has been wearing
                                                                Fitbit since summer 2016 and has started to monitor weights and
                                                                Body Mass Index (BMI) by himself. BMI is defined by weight
                                                                in kilograms divided by square of height in meters to show the
                                                                degree of obesity. Below 25 is normal while the obesity degree
                                                                1 if below 30 and the degree 2 below 35.  Collaborator efforts
                                                                along with the author’s advice based upon shared data within the
                                                                system has proven to be a success in twelve weeks. Collaborator
                                                                BMI became 28.15 in the obesity degree 1 from 30.6 in degree 2
                                                                with an improvement of 2.48. Fig.14 indicates variation factors
                                                                of both walking steps and sleeping hours have decreased from
                                                                October 9 through December 31, 2016, which suggests that as
                                                                the student walks and sleeps constantly the variation factor has
                                                                become  smaller. Fig.  15  indicates that both  data  are strongly
                                                                related to each other with a correlation factor of 0.708.  Those
                    Fig. 12. Sleeping hours for four weeks      data are displayed on the system by selecting who and when.

           Fig. 12 includes the average, standard deviation and its variation
           factor for sleeping hours.
           Sleeping  data may show  the  most important  factor of  daily
           activity  to indicate  a person’s condition  during daytime.  The
           start of sleep at night may be recognized as the start of the day
           in order to determine the whole activity level following the time
           of waking.  A  constant length of  sleeping hours  can  assure  a
           healthy condition along with a constant level of activity. One to
           four weeks may be selected to show the monitoring period in
           this case as well.

           (4) Life log from Moves

                                                                 Fig. 14. Variation factors of walking steps and sleeping hours

                Fig. 13. Activity of a day in duration and distance
           Moves  application  collects data using GPS  on a smartphone.
           The four activities  of walking,  running, cycling and
           transportation in duration and distance are shown in Fig. 13 and
           this  data will indicate the activity level  during a  day.  For
           instance  on May 21, 2017 the author  walked 3344m,  cycled
           2793m, moved 3806m by transportation and ran 5739m.

           2. The agreement with student collaborators
           An  agreement with student collaborators  in this study who
           provided vital data and life log information has been prepared in
           accordance with the ethics rules stipulated by Otani University.
           The collaborators  shall understand  that data  provided  for this
           study, and more specifically how those data are provided to the  Fig. 15. Correlation between walking steps and sleeping hours
           system and  how those data feeding, may be terminated  at  the
           sole discretion of student collaborators.            Collaborator comments after the successful achievement in BMI
                                                                improvements are as follows:

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