Page 758 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 758

2                                                 Transport aspects

                                          Table 9-21 – Derived framing parameters

                  Parameter                                        Definition
             ANDR                 The aggregate net data rate:
                                                          ANDR    NDR  DS    NDR US

             RTxOH                The retransmission overhead needed to protect against the worst-case impulse noise
                                  environment as configured in the DPU-MIB and stationary noise.
                                                  RTxOH   REIN _ OH  SHINE_ OH  STAT _ OH
                                  If INP_min_rein > 0:
                                                                    f        1
                                  REIN  _OH    (INP _  min_ rein   ) 1  floor    DMT    
                                                                     f REIN   
                                  with fREIN, the repetition frequency of REIN in kHz.
                                  If INP_min_rein=0 then REIN_OH=0
                                  SHINE_ OH   SHINEratio
                                  STAT  _OH    10
                                  where STAT_OH is the statistical overhead due to retransmission
             ETR                  The expected throughput in kbit/s:
                                  ETR =  1(  RTxOH )  NDR

             ETR_min_eoc (Note    The minimum expected throughput including the eoc rate:
             4)                   ETR_min_eoc=ETR_min + (1-RTxOH)x(DPReoc – 1000 kbit/s)

             NOTE 1 – f D is either f  US   for upstream or  f  DS   for downstream.
                              D                D
             NOTE 2 – This 1000 kbit/s is a reference value for the eoc overhead channel rate for the purpose of this calculation.
             NOTE 3 – The value of B eoc-max is the maximum number of eoc bytes per logical frame defined in Table 6-1 and Table X.1, and
                                    is the total number of subcarriers in the downstream MEDLEY set.
             NOTE 4 – The ETR_min_eoc is calculated by the FTU as the value of the ETR_min control parameter, increased by the expected
             throughput corresponding to the maximum eoc data rate allowed for the profile.
            9.8.3   Performance related parameters

      Definition of mean time between error events (MTBE)

            Mean time between error events (MTBE) is the average number of seconds between two error events. An
            error event is defined as a block of one or more consecutive uncorrected DTUs. The MTBE is referenced to
            the output of the PMS-TC function after retransmission (i.e., the  reference point at the receiver side).
            If each error event consists of a single corrupted DTU (which is typical for stationary noise environment),
            MTBE can be calculated as:
                                                 = (                             )
                                                              _    _                      _        

                    MTBE  is expressed in seconds.
                    Measurement_Time     is expressed in seconds.
                    Number_of_uncorrected DTUs  is  the  number  of  rtx-uc  anomalies  (see  clause  over  the
                    measurement time.
    Definition of MTBE_min

            The minimum MTBE (MTBE_min) is defined as 14 400 seconds.

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