Page 1197 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1197

Transport aspects                                              2

            This ODUj into OPUk multiplexing is performed in two steps:

            1)      asynchronous mapping of ODUj into optical data tributary unit (ODTU) using either AMP or GMP;
            2)      byte-synchronous mapping of ODTU into one or more OPUk tributary slots.

            19.1    OPUk tributary slot definition
            The OPUk is divided into a number of tributary slots (TS) and these tributary slots are interleaved within the
            OPUk. A tributary slot includes a part of the OPUk OH area and a part of the OPUk payload area. The bytes
            of the ODUj frame are mapped into the ODTU payload area and the ODTU bytes are mapped into the OPUk
            tributary slot or slots. The bytes of the ODTU justification overhead are mapped into the OPUk OH area.

            There are two types of tributary slots:
            1)      Tributary slot with a bandwidth of approximately 2.5 Gbit/s; an OPUk is divided into n tributary
                    slots, numbered 1 to n.
            2)      Tributary slot with a bandwidth of approximately 1.25 Gbit/s; an OPUk is divided into 2n tributary
                    slots, numbered 1 to 2n.

            OPU2  and  OPU3  interface  ports  supporting  1.25  Gbit/s  tributary  slots  must  also  support  the  2.5  Gbit/s
            tributary slot mode for interworking with interface ports supporting only the 2.5G tributary slot mode (i.e.,
            interface ports compliant with issues of this Recommendation: prior to the definition of 1.25G tributary
            slots). When operated in 2.5G tributary slot mode, 1.25G tributary slots  "i" and "i+n" (i = 1 to n, n = 4
            (OPU2) and n = 16 (OPU3)) function as one 2.5G tributary slot.
            19.1.1  OPU2 tributary slot allocation

            Figure 19-1 presents the OPU2 2.5G tributary slot allocation and the OPU2 1.25G tributary slot allocation.
            An  OPU2  is  divided  into  four  2.5G  tributary  slots  numbered  1  to  4,  or  in  eight  1.25G  tributary  slots
            numbered 1 to 8.
            –       An OPU2 2.5G tributary slot occupies 25% of the OPU2 payload area. It is a structure with 952
                    columns by 16 (4  4) rows (see Figures 19-1 and 19-7) plus a tributary slot overhead (TSOH). The
                    four OPU2 TSs are byte interleaved in the OPU2 payload area and the four OPU2 TSOHs are frame
                    interleaved in the OPU2 overhead area.

            –       An OPU2 1.25G tributary slot occupies 12.5% of the OPU2 payload area. It is a structure with 476
                    columns by 32 (8  4) rows (see Figures 19-1 and 19-7) plus a tributary slot overhead (TSOH). The
                    eight  OPU2  TSs are  byte  interleaved  in the OPU2  payload area and  the eight  OPU2 TSOHs  are
                    frame interleaved in the OPU2 overhead area.
            An OPU2 2.5G tributary slot "i" (i = 1,2,3,4) is provided by two OPU2 1.25G tributary slots "i" and "i+4" as
            illustrated in Figure 19-1.
            The tributary slot overhead (TSOH) of OPU2 tributary slots is located in column 16 plus column 15, rows 1,
            2 and 3 of the OPU2 frame.
            The TSOH for a 2.5G tributary slot is available once every 4 frames. A 4-frame multiframe structure is used
            for  this  assignment.  This  multiframe  structure  is  locked  to  bits  7  and  8  of  the  MFAS  byte  as  shown  in
            Table 19-1 and Figure 19-1.
            The TSOH for a 1.25G tributary slot is available once every 8 frames. An 8-frame multiframe structure is
            used for this assignment. This multiframe structure is locked to bits 6, 7 and 8 of the MFAS byte as shown in
            Table 19-1 and Figure 19-1.

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