Page 705 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 705

  Simplicity

            There is no requirement that every dataset must be madeopen right now. Starting out by opening
            up just one dataset, or even one part of a large dataset, is fine – of course, the more datasets one
            can open up the better. Remember, moving as rapidly as possible is good because it means one can
            build momentum and learn from experience – innovation is as much about failure as success and
            not every dataset will be useful.
              Maintainability

            Maintainability involves a system of continuous improvement – learning from the past in order to
            improve the ability to maintain systems, or improve reliability of systems based on maintenance
            experience. In other words, the maintainability of the system expressed as the probability that a
            system will be retained in or restored to a specified condition within a given period or expressed as
            the actual operating costs of the system. The availability of the system can be reflected from two
            aspects: hardware and software. Hardware equipment should be convenient for installation and
            upgrade;  it  should  also  have  sufficient  spare  parts.  Software  should  provide  flexible  and  user‐
            friendly admin interface for operators.
              Security

            Security provides "a form of protection where a separation is created between the assets and the
            threat." These separations are generically called "controls," and sometimes include changes to the
            asset or mitigate the threat. Generally, it is useful to ensure absolute security through permissions
            setting, security certifications, anonymization technique and other means.

              Advancement
            Advancement is responsible for maintaining the data in advance client/server(C/S), and relations
            database. This responsibility involves processing all data and keeping the data in database current.
            The system will use object‐oriented design; use the web access technology in user interface design
            and then fully guarantee the requirements of application systems design and development.

            3.2  The framework of overall design

            The  framework  of  open  data  is  presented  in  the  following  Figure  1.  The  top  layer  consists  of
            applications of data products to meets public need. The second layer is a one‐shop portal providing
            services including data catalog, data services, app services, developer center, service center and
            map service. The third layer, which is the technology layer, consists of anonymization technique,
            meta data management, linked data technique, data visualization and social network technique.
            The fourth layer is open data management, with user management, quality management, security
            management and operation management. The original data comes from government, social groups,
            enterprise, and individuals. On the two sides of the framework, open data regularities and open
            data security system protect the security and privacy of data.

            ITU‐T's Technical Reports and Specifications                                                  695
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