Page 557 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 557

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         5

            7.2     Transport control functional entities

            7.2.1   T-10: Network access configuration functional entity (NAC-FE)
            •       Connectivity requirement:

                    The NAC-FE provides connectivity to IP-based and non-IP based sensor networks through

            7.2.2   T-11: Transport authentication and authorization functional entity (TAA-FE)
            •       Identification, authentication and authorization:
                    The TAA-FE provides authentication of the USN end-users and authorization of network

            7.2.3   T-12: Transport user profile functional entity (TUP-FE)
            •       Identification, authentication and authorization:

                    The TAA-FE provides authentication of the USN end-users and authorization of network

            7.2.4   T-13: Transport location management functional entity (TLM-FE)

            •       Location management requirement:
                    The TLM-FE provides location management capability at the IP layer. If a sensor network
                    uses IP addresses directly or a USN gateway provides IP-based connectivity, the location
                    information management of sensor networks at the IP layer is supported by the TLM-FE.

            7.2.5   T-17: Transport resource control functional entity (TRC-FE)
            •       Differentiated QoS and data prioritization requirement:
                    The TRC-FE provides different QoS and also supports data prioritization capabilities.

            7.2.6   T-18: Mobile location management functional entity (MLM-FE)

            •       Mobility requirement:
                    The MLM-FE provides functions for the support of IP-based mobility of a sensor network
                    as well as a sensor node.

            7.3     Service control functional entities

            7.3.1   S-5: Service user profile functional entity (SUP-FE)
            •       Identification, authentication and authorization:
                    The SUP-FE is responsible for storing user profiles, subscriber-related location data and
                    presence  status  data  in  the  service  stratum.  A  user  profile  is  required  to  be  provided  in
                    support of authentication, authorization and so on.

            7.3.2   S-6: Service authentication and authorization functional entity (SAA-FE)
            •       Identification, authentication and authorization:
                    The SAA-FE provides authentication and authorization in the service stratum.

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