Page 555 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 555

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         5

            6.3.2   Service stratum functions

            The  service  stratum  functions  are  required  to  be  extended  to  support  requirements  of  USN
            applications and services. The extensions of the service stratum functions are given in the following

      Service control and content delivery functions
            The  following  functional  requirements  are  supported  by  existing  service  control  and  content
            delivery functions [ITU-T Y.2012]:
            •       Identification, authentication and authorization requirement:
                    The service control functions (SCF) support authentication and authorization functions for
                    the USN end-users at the service level.

      Application support functions and service support functions
            There are no extended capabilities in the application support functions and service support functions
            to support USN applications and services.

            The following functional requirements are supported by existing application support functions and
            service support functions [ITU-T Y.2012]:

            •       Identification, authentication and authorization requirement:
                    The  application  support  functions  and  service  support  functions  (ASF&SSF)  provide
                    authentication and authorization to access the services at the application level.

            •       Profile management requirement for registration and discovery of service:
                    [ITU-T  Y.2221]  specifies  that  the  service  profile  for  service  registration  and  discovery
                    requires  the  extension  of  NGN  capabilities.  However,  [ITU-T  Y.2012]  defines  that  the
                    ASF&SSF, especially the application support functional entity (AS-FE), provides generic
                    application server functions such as service selection and service discovery.
            •       Security:

                    Application  support  functions  and  service  support  functions  provide  the  protection  of
                    content (sensor data).

            6.3.3   Management functions
            The  management  functions  are  required  to  be  extended  to  support  requirements  of  USN
            applications and services. The extensions of the management functions are as follows:
            •       Sensor network management requirement:

                    IP-based and non-IP-based sensor networks using various types of wired and/or wireless
                    connection can coexist in USN applications and services. Non-IP-based sensor networks
                    are often managed through their gateway. IP-based sensor networks include the case of a
                    single sensor node directly connected to NGN, although sensor networks are often managed
                    as a set. The management functions are required to manage IP-based sensor networks as
                    well as non IP-sensor networks.

            •       Profile management (device profile) requirement:
                    In USN applications and services, a device profile consisting of the information of sensor
                    networks and/or sensor nodes should be provided and managed. As there are various types
                    of sensors, sensor nodes and sensor networks, device profiles would help to manage a large
                    number  of  heterogeneous  nodes  and  networks.  The  information  of  device  profiles  may
                    include sensor network identifier, device identifier, device types, capabilities and location.
                    The management functions may support device profile management.

                                                                  Rec. ITU-T Y.4403/Y.2026 (07/2012)     541
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