Page 79 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 79

ICTs for a Sustainable World

           As a first step, it will be important to identify the factors   strategies will be necessary to be developed and the global
           influencing QoE in TEL. ITU-T Rec. G.1031 [38] may be a   standard would only include the reference to each of them.
           good  example  of  this approach.  As referred in this
           recommendation, QoE influence factors are usually   Once, the standard for the “QoE factors in TEL” is defined,
           grouped in three main categories (#1 to #3 in Figure 6):   the  next  step  would  be the definition of the standard that
                                                              describes  the  “Framework for the QoE evaluation
               -   User influence factors                     methodology for TEL” (#7 to  #9 in Figure 6).The
                                                              subjective  model should be defined in the standard and
               -   Context influence factors                  some generalized proposals for satisfaction models found in
               -   System influence factors                   literature [45] (#7 to #9 in Figure 6) could be used.

           In the first category,  some  key factors like the learner   Figure 6 illustrates the importance of the evaluation of the
           expectations, previous good or bad experiences in TEL and   learner  experience  as  an  input used in the update and
           the  learner expertise with the subject and all the cultural   enhancement of TEL systems in order to improve  the
           aspects  should be identified (student segment A or B in   student´s  learning  process. Another thing that we want to
           Figure 6). The context, in which the learning is developed,   highlight in relation to Figure 6 is the fact that the update in
           like location, type of task, level of interaction, must be also   student´s expectations should be taken into account along
           considered when analyzing the  QoE of the learner (#2 in   the  new  generation  of students. In addition, it must be
           Figure 6). Finally, the system  influence  factors  (#3  in   considered  that  other  factors that differ from the TEL
           Figure 6) must be determined. Being aware that the sort of   management  system  factors  may influence in the QoE
           system  influence  factors may vary a lot depending of the   results.
           strategies that are being implemented in the TEL  process   Nevertheless,  as mentioned before, this entire proposal
           (just  web browsing, streaming, gamification, mulsemedia,   should be validated and this goal is intended to be achieved
           etc.), our proposal is that the standard for determining the   through the network of real life pilots to be developed
           QoE factors in TEL should describe the different Key   across Europe in the NEWTON project that will give us the
           Quality Indicators (KQI) and the related Key Performance   opportunity  to  verify  how other context´s and student´s
           Indicators (KPI) that must be  considered  when  using  the   factors may have influence in the results.
           different technologies that can be implemented (#4 to #6 in   In the next section one of the fist testing experiments to be
           Figure  6).  Separate standardization documents about   developed  in  the  University of the Basque Country
           subjective testing for each of the different technologies or   (UPV/EHU) in Spain will be presented.

                             Figure 6. Proposals for the QoE evaluation and standardization process in TEL

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