Page 117 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 117


                       Luca Chiaraviglio, 1,2  Nicola Blefari-Melazzi, 1,2  William Liu, Jairo A. Gutierrez, Jaap Van De Beek, 4
                           Robert Birke, Lydia Chen, Filip Idzikowski, Daniel Kilper, Paolo Monti, Jinsong Wu, 9
               1) CNIT, Italy, 2) University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy, 3) AUT, New Zealand, 4) Lulea University of Technology, Sweden,
               5) IBM Research, Switzerland, 6) Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
                      7) The University of Arizona, USA, 8) KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 9) University of Chile, Chile
                             ABSTRACT                        rural and low-income ones. Specifically, users located in
                                                             urban areas have the possibility to connect to the Internet
          Current trends in telecommunication networks foresee the
                                                             by means of WiFi, radio access, fixed access and satellite
          adoption of the fifth generation (5G) of wireless networks
                                                             connections. In this context, telecom manufacturers and
          in the near future. However, a large number of people are
                                                             researchers are focused on the development of the forthcom-
          living without coverage and connectivity. To face this issue,
                                                             ing 5G technologies, which will be available by 2020. 5G
          we consider the possibility of deploying 5G networks in ru-
                                                             standards are currently investigated by several organizations
          ral and low-income zones. After detailing the current state-
                                                             around the world, including partnerships (such as 5G Pub-
          of-the-art, we consider the main challenges that need to be
                                                             lic Private Partnership in Europe, IMT-2020 5G Promotion
          faced. Moreover, we define the main pillars to follow in order
                                                             Group in China, The Fifth Generation Mobile Communica-
          to deploy 5G networks in such zones, as well as a proposal
                                                             tions Promotion Forum in Japan, 5G Forum in Korea, and
          of a future network architecture.
                                                             5G Americas) and international events. These efforts aim to
          Index Terms— 5G networks, rural and low-income zones,  build 5G networks that will dramatically improve the user
          future Internet, global connectivity               experience, thanks to a sharp increase in the offered data
                                                             rates, coupled also with extremely low latency times. In this
                                                             way, services like very high definition video, tactile Internet,
                         1. INTRODUCTION
                                                             virtual reality and Internet of Things will be made available.
          The first experiment on the Arpanet (the father of the cur-  5G has several advantages for the spreading of the Internet
          rent Internet) took place on 29th October 1969, with a sim-  connectivity (see examples in the white paper of 5G-PPP
          ple login message exchanged in a network composed of four  [5]). Among them, the network introduces a high level of
          nodes. Since then, telecommunication networks have incred-  flexibility, which was otherwise not possible with previous
          ibly grown, with distributed architectures connecting billions  technologies. Thanks to this advantage, it is possible to de-
          of users. Today, the Internet is considered as a commodity to-  ploy services and network resources where and when they
          gether with energy, water, and food. According to the recent  are really needed. In addition, 5G foresees the exploitation of
          study presented in [1], the Internet is the world’s most pow-  commodity hardware, which opens the way to the develop-
          erful engine for social and economic growth, and it needs to  ment of software solutions implementing networking func-
          be open, secure, trustworthy, and accessible to all. In this  tions, and potentially decreasing the costs of installing and
          scenario, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)  maintaining devices. Finally, 5G has introduced the concept
          has reported that 69% of the world population is covered by  of ”converged solution”, where the networks and the services
          the third generation (3G) network [2], which allows users to  cooperate to deliver high bandwidth and extremely low delay
          connect with the Internet. Moreover, the penetration rate of  to users.
          the Internet in North America is above 80% [3]. However,  Even though 5G introduces several positive aspects, the rel-
          these numbers are hiding the dark side of telecommunication  evant technologies are ”urban” in their nature. Specifically,
          networks, which is the lack of connectivity and/or coverage  the high performance requirements are made possible by
          experienced by a large number of people, in the non-coverage  an extremely rich and complex architecture, including: het-
          areas, especially rural and low-income ones. Such zones in-  erogeneous networks of macro and small cells, fronthaul
          clude both low-density regions, but also towns/cities where  and backhaul transport networks, small computing nodes
          the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is extremely low. To this  deployed close to the users, and large data centres. The
          end, at least two billion people are currently experiencing a  current models of telecommunication networks, which are
          complete lack of wireless cellular coverage [4], thus prevent-  business and profit oriented, suggest that 5G networks will
          ing them to connect with the rest of the world.    be mainly deployed in extremely dense urban zones, where
          Given this picture, a natural question is: why are there such  the number of subscribers is sufficiently high to compensate
          differences in connectivity and coverage rates across the  the installation and management costs of the 5G network.
          world? One initial observation is that the telecommunication  On the contrary, rural and low-income zones are less de-
          networks are widely deployed in urban zones rather than in  sirable and attractive for operators, since the extremely low

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