Page 122 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 122

Service and Network

                             UAVs Network   RRH-UAV         SP-Node
                      RRH-UAV                                                        SP-LC

                                                                                            50 km

                                   DTN           SP-Node          Optical Transport
                                          Radio Link                                 SP-Node
                                          Optical Link   SP-Node

          Fig. 1. Vision of a 5G network for rural and low-income zones. (SP = solar powered, LC = Large Cell, RRH = Remote Radio
          Head, UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, DTN = Delay Tolerant Network, NODE = Flexible component that can act as micro
          server, BBU, SDN switch and optical router).

          the deployment of radio elements covering ultra-large cell  gies. Specifically, for rural zones with a limited number
          sizes (over 50 km). It is widely acknowledged in academia  of users, coverage and capacity may be provided by RRH
          and industry that deployment of very large antenna arrays  mounted on top of UAV (RRH-UAV). These devices can
          at the base station side will form a key component of the  provide flexible coverage over a territory, by considering
          5G radio standards that very recently have started to be ad-  only the zones where the users are located. Moreover, RRH-
          dressed by 3GPP. Technologies in academia referred to as  UAVs can be exploited when the capacity of the network
          massive MIMO are in the heart of the urban, capacity-driven  is needed (e.g., during the day). Each RRH-UAV establish
          5G use cases and scenarios. Moreover, the energy-efficiency  communication with the other RRH-UAVs flying in the same
          of these very large antenna arrays is also promising for the  zone. The goal is then to compute the UAV trajectories in or-
          noise-limited, low-load rural and remote coverage scenar-  der to optimize the coverage of the zone where the users are
          ios. The large arrays can accomplish a beamforming gain  located. In addition, the RRH-UAV will establish a radio link
          that will beneficially affect the link budgets of large macro-  with a BBU mounted in selected Solar-Powered (SP) Nodes
          cells. The pencil-sharp radiobeams produced by these base  7 . The challenge here will be to develop smart solutions to
          stations allow to increase the cell radius without compro-  reduce the amount of information exchanged between the
          mising implementation complexity, cost-efficiency or energy  RRH-UAVs and the SP-Node with the BBU. Notice also that
          consumption. Finally, we foresee the exploitation of new  he UAVs can be recharged by power stations fed by solar
          ultra-lean radio-protocols, which will be developed with the  panels. In addition to this, RRHs are also mounted on top of
          explicit goal in reducing the transmission overhead of the ra-  balloons. These elements are continuously flying in the at-
          dio nodes and improving their energy efficiency [38].  mosphere in order to provide basic coverage and emergency
                                                             services. Finally, each community connected to such an in-
                                                             frastructure may develop Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs)
          4.2. Overall Architecture
                                                             to further spread the information by means of low-velocity
          Our vision aims to develop a comprehensive low-cost con-  vehicles (i.e., mainly bicycles). As second alternative to pro-
          nectivity architecture that can efficiently support a wide-  vide wireless access connectivity, we foresee the exploitation
          range of services and applications. Fig. 1 reports the pro-  of Large Cells (LCs), with coverage radius in the order of 50
          posed architecture. Focusing first on the access part of the  km. Such cells can be spread in low-income areas where the
          network, we foresee the exploitation of different technolo-  users requirements are low in terms of bandwidth and delays.
                                                             LCs are also powered by Solar Panels (SPs), since the power
             We refer the reader to the Facebook project ARIES: https:
          //           7 This solution has to be evaluated w.r.t. the LTE UL-HARQ latency
          ,lastaccessedon1stJuly2016.                        constraint.
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