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                                       MARKET-BASED MECHANISMS

                                                    Fernando Beltrán

                                         University of Auckland Business School

                              ABSTRACT                        Essentially  spectrum  management  is  the  government
                                                              function  that  organises  and  regulates  the  utilisation,
           Spectrum  management  needs  to  be  effective,  in  that
           spectrum must be allocated to the right uses, and efficient,   allocation  and  assignment  of  blocks  of  frequencies so that
           in that spectrum must be assigned to those that value it the   interference between uses in contiguous bands is minimised.
           most.  Technological  advances  and  demands  for  further   In  order  to  address  scarcity  and  underutilisation  of
           spectrum  availability  from  mobile  broadband  operators   spectrum,  spectrum  sharing  is  taking  high  priority  in  the
           (among others) require spectrum management to timely and   agenda  of  spectrum  authorities  in  many  countries.  Such
           firmly  incorporate  schemes  to  increase  the  technical   institutions have initiated reviews of their national guidelines
           efficiency  of  spectrum  utilisation.  One  such  scheme  is   for spectrum management in order to incorporate spectrum
           spectrum sharing which has the potential to result in higher   sharing to their regular processes of spectrum allocation and
           spectrum  utilisation  and  greater  spectrum  value.  In  such   assignment.  A  review  of  spectrum  sharing  policies  is
           context allocation and assignment, two critical functions to   included in a later section.
           manage the spectrum, are also discussed. It is argued that   Spectrum management has evolved from its early days when
           in the course of deciding about allocation and assignment   it  was  focused  on  interference  avoidance  [8]  to  a  more
           of spectrum, a spectrum authority can and should include   modern view whereby, additionally, the spectrum authority
           market-based  mechanisms  that  incentivise  incumbents  to   seeks to maximise its value [7]. Spectrum value is defined by
           share spectrum needed by entrants.                 establishing who derives value from its usage and what the
                                                              right measurement of value must be. A broad conception of

                                                              value  as  found  in  Barwise  et  al  [2]  considers  three
               Keywords— Spectrum management, spectrum sharing,   components of value: private use value, private external use
           ICT, General Purpose Technologies, licensed shared access,   value and social value.
           unlicensed spectrum.
                                                              Such  approach  can  enhance  a  Spectrum  Authority’s  (SA)
                                                              arsenal of policy tools and regulations when it is applied to
                          1. INTRODUCTION                     spectrum  sharing  as  a  management  scheme  aimed  to
                                                              increase  the  effectiveness  of  spectrum  allocations  and  the
                                                              efficiency  of  spectrum  assignments.  In  particular,  the
           Radio  spectrum  has  played,  is  playing  and  will  play  a   decision-making  process  that  leads  to  the  assignment  of
           fundamental  role  in  the  development  of  communications   frequency  bands  to  competing  parties  is  based  on
           networks  and  services.  The  unparalleled  rise  of  the  cell   administering an auction that sells a number of blocks in a
           phone  and  the  quiet  revolution  in  data  communications   number  of  geographical  areas.  Although  traditionally
           brought about by Wi-Fi and other wireless data technologies   auctions  have  assigned  spectrum  licenses  on  an  exclusive
           demonstrate  that  effective  management  of  the  spectrum  is   basis,  using  them  to  assign  shared  rights  is  not  only
           the  foundation  to  robust  wireless  markets  and  innovative   conceivable  but  possibly  an  efficient  pathway  to  introduce
           wireless services.                                 market  mechanisms  to  decide  who  gets  to  share  the
           This  paper  examines  spectrum  management  as  the  vehicle   spectrum.
           deployed by governments to achieve key objectives such as   This paper will first introduce, in Section 2, the concept of
           maximising the value of spectrum, its efficient utilisation and   General  Purpose  Technologies  -which  helps  explain  the
           its  benefits  to  society.  If  spectrum  management  creates   importance of certain technologies to the economy at large-
           conditions  for  achieving  such  objectives,  it  will  grant   to   support   its   argument   that   Information   and
           spectrum  the  affordances  that  make  Information  and   Communications  Technologies  are  of  such kind. Spectrum
           Communications  Technologies  (ICT) the kind of disruptor   management  is  discussed  in  Section  3,  while  particular
           that exhibits considerable technological progress,  pervasive   aspects  and  variants  of  spectrum  sharing  are  presented  in
           use  in  a  wide  range  of  economic  sectors,  a  booster  for   Section 4. In Section 5 the paper argues that market-based
           complementary  innovations  and  a  generator  of  important   mechanisms can be used when a spectrum authority decides
           spillover effects.

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