Focus Areas - Regulatory Information

Seperate Telecommunication Regulatory, world
Operational Universal Service Fund, world
Specific VoIP policies or regulations in place, world

Regulatory Information

The information and communication technology (ICT) sector is in the midst of remarkable transformation fuelled by a combination of technological, market, policy and regulatory developments.

The market and technological developments are exerting pressure on the current regulatory framework. How will regulation change?

The regulatory data is drawn from an annual regulatory survey, which dates back to 1994. Each year the survey is adapted in order to reflect changes in the sector.

Key data facts for the world


Year Classification *
Country Focal Points - TREG2020 
Separate Regulators 
Level of competition 
Sector Structure - Private Sector Participation 
Broadband Plans 
Broadband Plans Description 
IP Telephony 
Licensing agreements 
Interconnection agreements and prices 
Countering spam responsible authority 
Countering spam legislation 
3G spectrum assignment method 
Spectrum - Secondary trading and in band migration 
WiMax Allocations 
LTE Allocations 
* For list of countries included, see here
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