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  لجان الدراسات التابعة لقطاع تنمية الاتصالات

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لجنتا الدراسات 1 و2 التابعتان لقطاع تنمية الاتصالات
Rapporteur's Group Question details

المسألة 6/1
توعية المستهلك وحمايته وحقوقه: القوانين واللوائح والأسس الاقتصادية والشبكات
المسألة 6/1
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Expected output
a) A report to Member States and Sector Members, consumer-protection organizations, operators and service providers, setting out guidelines and best practices that will need to be produced to help these actors to find the tools needed for a better culture of consumer protection as regards information, awareness-raising, inclusion of consumers' fundamental rights in laws and national, regional or international regulatory texts, and consumer protection in the provision of all telecommunication/ICT services.
b) Organization of regional seminars on consumer protection: consumer information, protection and rights, laws, economic and financial bases, consumer networks.

Output Report
ITU-D Recommendations
Useful Information
Reference Material
Access to collaborative tools (mailing lists, e-forum, etc.)