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ITU-T work programme

[2013-2016] : [SG17] : [Q4/17]

[Declared patent(s)]  - [Publication]

Work item: X.Suppl.18 (ex X.abnot)
Subject/title: ITU-T X.1205 - Supplement on guidelines for abnormal traffic detection and control on IP-based telecommunication networks
Status: Agreed on 2013-04-26 [Issued from previous study period]
Approval process: Agreement
Type of work item: Supplement
Version: New
Equivalent number: -
Timing: -
Liaison: -
Supporting members: -
Summary: Telecommunication networks based on IP protocol face many security threats. One of the most important threats is abnormal traffic, which has a serious impact on the secure and steady operation of the telecommunication network. Traffic attacks consume large quantities of network resources and easily lead to network unsteadiness and link blockage. Moreover, an increasing number of abnormal traffic attacks aim at obtaining certain business benefits, which is a great challenge to telecommunication operators. Therefore, detecting and controlling abnormal traffic effectively has become an urgent task for telecommunication operators. This Supplement identifies abnormal traffic detection technologies and control measures for IP-based telecommunication network. The aim of this Supplement is to provide telecommunication operators with a comprehensive guideline for monitoring, detecting and controlling abnormal IP traffic.
Comment: -
  Historic references:
Xu Chen, Editor
Shen He, Editor
Lijun Liu, Editor
Lanfang Ren, Editor
Zhiguo Zhan, Editor
Min ZUO, Editor
ITU-T A.5 justification(s):
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First registration in the WP: 2008-10-10 11:34:09
Last update: 2015-01-05 07:28:52