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ITU-T J.1012 (04/2020)

عربي | 中文 | English | Español | Français | Русский
Embedded common interface for exchangeable CA/DRM solutions; CA/DRM container, loader, interfaces, revocation
Recommendation ITU-T J.1012 is part of a multi-part deliverable covering the conditional access/digital rights management (CA/DRM) container, loader, interfaces, revocation for the embedded common interface for exchangeable CA/DRM solutions specification. This ITU-T Recommendation is a transposition of ETSI standard ETSI GS ECI 001-3, and is a result of a collaboration between ITU-T SG9 and ETSI ISG ECI. Modifications have been introduced to clauses 2,,,,, 9.8.1, 9.8.2, 10.2, I-2 and to the Bibliography. Some additional editorial corrections were necessary.
Series title: J series: Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals
  J.1000-J.1099: Conditional access and protection
  J.1010-J.1019: Exchangeable embedded conditional access and digital rights management solutions
Approval date: 2020-04-23
Provisional name:J.dmcd-part3
Approval process:TAP
Status: In force
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 9
Further details: Patent statement(s)
Development history