Committed to connecting the world

World Radio Day 2017

​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​13 February 2017 is World Radio Day – a day to celebrate radio as a medium; to improve international cooperation between broadcasters; and to encourage major networks and community radio alike to promote access to information, freedom of expression and gender equality over the airwaves.

Radio is the mass media reaching the widest audience in the world. It is also recognized as a powerful communication tool and a low cost medium.

Radio is still the most dynamic, reactive and engaging medium there is, adapting to 21st century changes and offering new ways to interact and participate. In order to make this possible, ITU continues working to ensure, among other aspects, that relevant transmission standards are available for digital radio in MF, HF and VHF broadcasting bands, and that there are approved international regulatory frameworks in place to allow for a smooth migration from analogue to digital radio.

The ITU [Radiocommunication Bureau] joins UNESCO in inviting all radio stations and supporting organisations to join World Radio Day 2017​, a chance to celebrate radio and how it helps shape our lives!

Importance of Radio

Radio is specifically suited to reach remote communities and vulnerable people: the illiterate, the disabled, women, youth and the poor, while offering a platform to intervene in the public debate, irrespective of people’s educational level. Furthermore, radio has a strong and specific role in emergency communication and disaster relief.

There is also a changing face to radio services which, in the present times of media convergence, are taking up new technological forms, such as broadband, mobiles and tablets. However, it is said that up to a billion people still do not have access to radio today.

History of World Radio Day

World Radio Day is now in its 6th year! 

On 14 January 2013, the United Nations General Assembly formally endorsed UNESCO’s proclamation of World Radio Day. During its 67th Session, the UN General Assembly endorsed the resolution adopted during the 36th session of the UNESCO General Conference, proclaiming 13 February, the day United Nations Radio was established in 1946, as World Radio Day.

The objectives of the Day are to raise greater awareness among the public and the media of the importance of radio; to encourage decision makers to establish and provide access to information through radio; as well as to enhance networking and international cooperation among broadcasters.