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Visit of Dr Touré to the Republic of Korea

Visit of Dr Touré to the Republic of Korea
Dr Touré and Minister Choi hold up the signed PP-14 Host Country Agreement.

16-23 October 2013, Republic of Korea

ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun Touré’s recent visit to the Republic of Korea culminated in the signing of the host country agreement for the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 (PP-14), which will take place in the port city of Busan from Monday, 20 October to Friday, 7 November 2014.

The agreement was signed in Seoul by Dr Touré and Korea’s Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Choi Mun-Kee.

"This agreement is a major landmark on the road to PP-14,"said Dr Touré. "A sound and solid host country agreement is indispensable to a successful conference, and I am very pleased to see that, here in Korea, the internal preparatory process is also moving forward with confidence."

Dr Touré congratulated the host country on its commitment to arriving at a mutually-agreed contract that will pave the way to the next major milestone in ITU’s 148-year history.

PP-14 will take place at Bexco, Busan’s state-of-the-art exhibition and convention centre, with the Korean government planning a number of side-events to complement the conference. Details can be found on the host country website: