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Mission to Lebanon – meeting with President Suleiman

Dr Touré meets with H.E. President Michel Suleiman and Minister of Telecommunications H.E. Nicolas Sehnaoui

Dr Touré joins Arab Telecom Minister members of the Executive Bureau

February 2012, Beirut, Lebanon

ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun Touré visited Lebanon to present the opening keynote address at the Arab Telecom and Internet Forum, and to meet with many high-level officials, including H.E. President Michel Suleiman, Telecommunications Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui, and Arab Telecommunications Ministers attending the event.
In his address to Forum delegates, Dr Touré highlighted the extraordinary and rapid progress across the Arab-speaking region in terms of ICT uptake over the past decade.
Mobile cellular penetration across the Arab region has grown from 3.2% at the beginning of 2001 to almost 90% ten years later. During the same period, Internet penetration grew from just 1.2% to over 24%. “This tremendous performance is allowing the rapid spread of new and beneficial applications across the region – including e-health, e-education and e-government, among others,” said Dr Touré.


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