Committed to connecting the world

Third Meeting of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development




From left to right: Doreen Bogdan, Hamadoun Touré, David Kanamugire, Carlos Slim Helú, Irina Bokova and Janis Karklins






 Dr Hamadoun Touré  - Video interview by Ian Grant 
Interview with Dr Touré
















6 June 2011, Paris, France 

The third meeting of the Broadband Commission for Digital Developmentwas held at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris on 6 June, and it was a great pleasure to bring together our Commissioners to continue the work we embarked on last year. The meeting heard interim reports from the eight working groups that have been set up to focus on specific areas such as health, education and youth and also saw the launch of a major new report from the Commission entitled 'Broadband: A Platform for Progress'.
During the day we also had two excellent roundtable sessions which allowed for vigorous debate: one on education, focusing on empowering women and girls in LDCs, which was moderated by Irina Bokova; and the other on broadband business models, which I moderated. The Broadband Commission's next meeting will be held in Geneva, in October, at the same time as ITU Telecom World 2011.
 Press release:
