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​Welcome to ITU News Plus ‘Snapshot Reports’ – key highlights of select ITU events, including video insights from ICT thought leaders worldwide.​​




Read our Snapshot Report of the Global ICT Capacity Building Symposium (CBS-2018), which was held from 19-20 June in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic​​​​​​​

In this report you will learn about​​:​​​​​​​​​

  • How emerging ICT trends have changed skills requirements for the digital economy and society.
  • ITU’s recent publication “Capacity building in a changing ICT environment”.
  • How CBS-2018 helped to strengthen collaboration between stakeholders to develop capacities for the digital future.​

​​​​​Visit the CBS-2018​ website


Read our Snapshot Report of the ITU Council 2018 (17-26 April) at ITU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland​​​​

In this report you will learn about​​:​​​​​​

  • The role of the Council, ITU’s governing body​.
  • Topics discussed and outcomes.
  • Preparations underway for the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 to be held later this year in Dubai, UAE.​

​​​​​Visit the ITU Council 2018​ website


Read our Snapshot Report of the ITU World Telecommunication/ ICT Indicators Symposium 2017 (WTIS-17), which was held ​from 14-16 November in Hammamet, Tunisia ​

In this report you will learn about​​:​​​​​​

  • How good data and statistics can unlock development opportunities.
  • The new Measuring the Information Society Report 2017 and the ICT Development Index (statistics free for you to download).
  • How Vodafone and other experienced players are using Big Data, plus key takeaways from other high-level talks.​

​​​​​Visit the WTIS​​-17 website

Snapshot Report of the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17), which was held from 9-20 October in Buenos Aires, Argentina​ ​

In this report you will learn about​​:​​​​​​

  • Plans for how information and communication technologies (ICTs) can accelerate development worldwide.
  • Important outcomes including the Buenos Aires Action Plan and regional initiatives.
  • What ministers and other ICT officials view as key priorities in the next four years.​

​​​​​Visit the WTDC-17 website

Snapshot Report of ITU’s 17th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-17), which was held from 11-14 July, in Nassau, Bahamas​

In this report you will learn about​​:​​​​​​

  • The pre-event on Digital Financial Inclusion; focusing on the security of digital financial services.
  • Key insights from ICT regulators and private-sector leaders on how regulation can speed up development.​​​
  • Important outcomes, including new Best Practice Guidelines​.​​​


​​​​​Visit the GSR-17 website


​​​​​​​​Snapshot Report of ITU’s quadrennial World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-16), which concluded​​ last week in Hammamet, Tunisia​

In this report you will learn about:​​​​​

  • How the WTSA-16 defines a new era of ICT standards.
  • Key insights from ICT thought leaders on privacy, security, artificial intelligence and fintech.​​​
  • Important outcomes, including new standards and resolutions​​.​​​​



​​​​​Visit the WTSA-16 website​​​​​​