Committed to connecting the world


​His Excellency Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak
Prime Minister of Malaysia 

Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak has made connectivity one of his priorities. As part of the New Economic Model for Malaysia, he has placed a high priority on strengthening ICT infrastructure. His administration has supported the work of ITU in strengthening global cybersecurity through the IMPACT Centre in Cyberjaya near Kuala Lumpur. Prime Minister Najib Razak was awarded the ITU World Telecommunication and Information Society Award in 2010.

The Transformation Programme of the Government of Malaysia has fundamentally changed the provision of government services – improving education, widening access to healthcare, developing rural infrastructure, expanding public transport, reducing poverty, cutting crime and corruption and bringing down the cost of living. Alongside this, his Economic Transformation Programme has significantly liberalised the economy – creating more than 300,000 jobs, raising living standards, encouraging foreign investment and turning Malaysia into one of Asia’s most dynamic and successful economies. Prime Minister Najib Razak has also introduced the ‘1Malaysia’ concept, stressing the importance of national unity regardless of race or religious belief. 1Malaysia has also delivered improvements on the ground. For example, more than 1.5 million people have passed through new 1Malaysia health clinics, where anyone can receive treatment for any condition for about 30 cents. “The telecommunications and ICT sectors continues to grow. I believe this leaves little doubt that telecommunications have ceased to become a luxury; it is a necessary tool of survival in the 21st Century. In fact telecommunications and ICT play a vital role as catalysts for sustainable economic development and growth,” Prime Minister Najib said.

In recognition of outstanding leadership and initiative, it is our honour to present His Excellency Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia, with the ICTs in Sustainable Development Award.