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Girls in ICT

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Name : TOMLINSON, Sophie
Date : January 13, 2017
Organization : ICC BASIS
Country : France
Job Title :

Contribution : The Internet’s transformative developmental impact cannot be overstated. Direct references to the catalytic power of information communication technologies (ICTs) for development are cited as specific targets in four of the 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), however the majority, if not all, of the SDGs would be served by the application of ICTs, both using emerging and existing technologies.

When looking at the Internet’s societal impact, stakeholders must work collectively and collaboratively to promote the use of technology to address pressing developing country needs and to further societal benefit, while respecting local social and cultural norms.

Policymakers can benefit from close cooperation with business and other stakeholders to ensure that the legal, policy and regulatory approaches implemented will maximize the Internet’s developmental opportunities.

Attachments : ICCBASISsbmsson.IntrntDvel.13.01.2017.pdf